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Event-day technologies

This is an excerpt from Managing Sport Events 3rd Edition With HKPropel Access by T. Christopher Greenwell,Leigh Ann Danzey-Bussell & David Shonk.

Managing event day can be made easier with various technologies. Types of technologies include the following:

  • Staff communication tools: Various apps have been created to allow communication through text or group messaging. These apps help disseminate important information quickly and efficiently.
  • E-ticketing: E-ticketing software is convenient for consumers and reduces the risk of lost tickets. Additional advantages for organizers include lower printing costs and the ability to track purchases better.
  • Event-specific apps: These apps are designed to make the consumers’ experience at the event stress-free, fun, and safe. They may include information ranging from event schedules, guest services information, facility maps, transportation information, frequently asked questions, and event policies.
  • Mobile point-of-service (POS): These systems allow consumers to connect with food, beverage, or merchandise vendors in their seats and pay online, reducing time spent waiting in line and allowing vendors to spend less time taking orders and counting cash.
  • Kiosks: Many venues now utilize self-service kiosks around their facilities to give consumers access to different services and information.
  • Data management systems: These systems can collect data on everything from purchase behaviors to social media interaction, giving managers better insight into the customer experience.
  • Participant tracking systems: Most often used for running events, this technology utilizes GPS to track runners’ times and locations, creating a better race experience for the runners and enhancing race management.
  • Live translation: If your event attracts an international audience, translation systems can be built in to events to connect with consumers in their native language.
  • QR codes: QR codes can serve many purposes on event day, ranging from connecting consumers to event schedules and results, venue mapping, concessions menus, and sponsor’s offers.
  • Live streaming: Live streaming your events expands your reach to both participants and spectators.
More Excerpts From Managing Sport Events 3rd Edition With HKPropel Access