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Developing the skills needed by recreation and leisure professionals

This is an excerpt from Introduction to Recreation and Leisure 4th Edition With HKPropel Access by Tyler Tapps & Mary Sara Wells.

By Tracy L. Mainieri

Student Benchmark Checklist

This checklist provides suggestions for activities beyond required course work that will make a student more successful and competitive when entering the job market.

  • Volunteer 50 hours each semester with at least two recreation agencies.
  • Create and maintain a professional LinkedIn profile.
  • Find a part-time job in a sector that aligns with your career goals.
  • Attend one regional professional conference.
  • Visit the campus career center once a semester for seminars and mock interviews.
  • Join a professional association and become active in it.
  • Contact agencies you are interested in working with and familiarize them with your name.
  • Review your personal social media presence to ensure information is professional.
  • Complete a 10-week internship (more than one internship is recommended by graduation).
  • Obtain at least one job in a recreation field.
  • Job shadow for at least two recreation sectors.
  • Establish at least one professional mentor in a career field of interest.
  • Get to know your professors via office hours.
  • Meet with three different faculty members to discuss career options in your chosen field.
  • Develop your career portfolio throughout your time as a student (résumé, work samples, transcripts and degrees, awards and honors, letters of reference).
More Excerpts From Introduction to Recreation and Leisure 4th Edition With HKPropel Access