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Cross-hand myofascial release of the upper back

This is an excerpt from Myofascial Release 2nd Edition With HKPropel Online Video by Ruth Duncan.

Cross-­Hand Release of the Upper Back

  1. Have the client lie prone on the treatment ­table.
  2. Stand at the top of the treatment ­table.
  3. Place the palm of your hand, skin on skin, lateral to the spine with your fin­gers lying across the medial border of the scapula and onto the scapula.
  4. Place your other hand in the same place on the opposite side.
  5. Lean into the client to the tissue depth barrier, wait and follow the subtle three-­dimensional changes in the tissue.
  6. Avoid forcing the tissue or slipping or gliding over the skin.
  7. Apply the technique for at least three to five minutes for optimal results.

Cross-­Hand Release of the Upper Back

TIP This technique can also be performed with one hand on the client’s upper back and the other hand on the client’s low back on the same side or on a diagonal.

More Excerpts From Myofascial Release 2nd Edition With HKPropel Online Video