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Court speed potentiation for tennis players

This is an excerpt from Warm-Up With HKPropel Online Video, The by Ian Jeffreys.

Wall Drill: Triple Exchange (4 sets)

The athlete stands approximately one meter (or one yard) away from a wall with the hands reaching out to touch the wall. While holding a straight-line posture, the athlete leans toward the wall so that the posture is assumed, and the body takes on a 45-degree angle to the upright position. The athlete then lifts the right knee forward and up toward the wall and into a knee-drive position, briefly holding this position. The athlete then drives the right leg down into the floor, while simultaneously driving the left leg forward. Immediately the order is reversed, driving the left leg down into the floor with the right leg driving forward. Finally, the movement is reversed a third time (for a triple exchange). This exercise should be repeated for three more sets of a triple exchange, varying the lead leg each time. Movement should be forceful and rapid, attempting to push the floor away from the athlete. It is important that the athlete does not shorten the range of movement in an attempt to move the legs faster; the full sprinting range of motion should be maintained.

Ball Drop

The athlete stands upright in an athletic position. A partner stands a short distance away and drops a tennis ball. Once the ball is dropped, the athlete accelerates forward to try to catch the ball before it bounces a second time. The ball encourages athletes to stay low during the performance of the exercise and maintain a forward-eye focus. Perform four repetitions to the front, two to each side, and four to the rear (two each side).

Figure 6.9 Ball Drop

FIGURE 6.9 Ball Drop

Wall Ball Drill

The athlete gets into an athletic position facing a wall a short distance away. A partner stands behind the athlete holding a tennis ball. The partner throws the ball at the wall, while the athlete attempts to catch the ball as it rebounds from the wall. They change roles after four to six attempts.

Figure 6.10 Wall Ball Drill

FIGURE 6.10 Wall Ball Drill

Jockey and Sprint

The athlete gets into an athletic position near cone A with two cones laterally five meters (or five yards) ahead. On a self-start, the athlete performs a very short jockeying action before making a cut-step and accelerating laterally in the opposite direction.

Jockey, React, and Sprint

The athlete gets into an athletic position facing the coach who is on the other side of the net. On a self-start, the athlete performs a short jockeying action and the coach feeds a ball to the left or to the side of the athlete. The athlete reads the feed while jockeying and then makes a cut-step and accelerates in the direction of the ball the coach has fed.

More Excerpts From Warm-Up With HKPropel Online Video