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Career opportunities and continuing education in recreation and leisure

This is an excerpt from Introduction to Recreation and Leisure 4th Edition With HKPropel Access by Tyler Tapps & Mary Sara Wells.

By Rhonda Cross Beemer, Matthew Symonds, and Terrance Robertson

Career opportunities, continuing education opportunities, and research opportunities within the health and wellness area are too extensive to comprehensively cover here. Health-related career fields are expected to experience growth. In addition, the widespread growth in outdoor activities experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic has rekindled recreation interests for many people. Hiking, cycling, running, camping, and golf all experienced growth during the pandemic. As such, an increased need for facilities and equipment will likely have a positive impact on career opportunities for the foreseeable future. A list of potential careers related to the seven dimensions of wellness appears in table 15.3. Within an area of interest, you can investigate opportunities that are specific to individual wellness component areas. The potential employment opportunities are diverse in terms of role expectations, potential political and fiscal support, mobility, and longevity.

Table 15.3 Career Opportunities Categorized by Wellness Component

These opportunities are just starting points. As in every viable profession, the dynamic nature of the area combined with increased knowledge, changes in technology, population trends, and evolving public policy creates constant change in the science and application of the profession. Continuing education, training, and research are essential. Opportunities will come and go, although not as quickly as in less robust and diverse professions.

More Excerpts From Introduction to Recreation and Leisure 4th Edition With HKPropel Access