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Beanbag Race

This is an excerpt from Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out by E. Ann Davis.



Be the first person to drop all your beanbags on the floor.


Provide the players with beanbags, the same number for each player. On your signal, all players drop their beanbags, one at a time, to the floor. The player who finishes first is the winner of each round.


  • If the group is large, arrange for a word or signal to announce when a player has finished.
  • For those with limited grasping ability or minimal arm movement, a helper can place the beanbag on the player's arm. The player then shakes or moves her arm until the beanbag falls off.
  • If a participant is unable to grasp, she could also push the beanbags from her lap one at a time.

Beanbag Race: Floor Version


Be the first person to get all your beanbags on the floor.


Place beanbags on various body parts. Each player should have the same number of beanbags in approximately the same places. On your signal, players work to get all their beanbags onto the floor. The player who finishes first wins each round.


  • Arrange a signal or sound to indicate being finished if the group is large.
  • Place the beanbags in such a way that they can be shaken or wiggled off the body parts.
  • In cases of very limited mobility, the beanbags may need to be placed so they are already partially off the body when play begins.

This game can also be played with participants lying on their bellies.

Read more about Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out by E. Ann Davis

More Excerpts From Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out