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Beanbag Curling

This is an excerpt from Physical Literacy on the Move by Heather Gardner.

Activity Goal

To send an object to a target and to accumulate the most points.

Fundamental Movement Skill

Throwing underhand

Tactical Focus

Offense: Perform appropriate movement skills, move safely throughout the space, get the last shot to create a dynamic reaction, avoid obstacles




Gymnasium or outdoors


16 beanbags, 2 cones, and 2 hoops (per game of 8 players), skipping ropes or floor tape


20 to 25 minutes

Activity Category



Ensure that indoor and outdoor activity spaces are a safe distance from walls and free of hazards (e.g., benches, equipment, basketball nets, holes, loose gravel, wet grass); remove or mark any hazards. Provide safe distances between games occurring in the same space. Remind participants to keep their heads up and to be aware of beanbags being slid.

Activity Instructions

Divide participants into groups of eight. Then divide each group into two teams of four, and give each team eight beanbags. Each team creates a house with three concentric layers using tape, hula hoops, or skipping ropes, and places a cone in the center. Teams alternate turns throwing a beanbag to get it as close to the cone (the center of the house) as possible. Teams score points for each beanbag that is closer to the center than the closest beanbag of the opposing team.Only beanbags inside the house score points.


To decrease the challenge:

  • Decrease the distance between the throwers and the houses.
  • Allow underhand throws.
  • Use a larger target.

To increase the challenge:

  • Increase the distance between the throwers and the houses.
  • Require that players use their nondominant hands.
  • Decrease the size of the houses.

Self-Check Questions

  • Am I able to apply controlled force to send the beanbag to the target?
  • Do I apply tactics to increase my chances of hitting a target when other beanbags are in the way?
  • Do I communicate well with teammates both verbally and nonverbally?
  • Do I place beanbags strategically to make it challenging for my opponents to get close to the house?

Learn more about Physical Literacy on the Move.

More Excerpts From Physical Literacy on the Move