Analyzing Influences: Lesson Plans and Learning Activities for Grades K Through 12
This is an excerpt from Lesson Planning for Skills-Based Elementary Health Education With Web Resource by Holly Alperin & Sarah Benes.
Lesson 3: Celebrating You!
This lesson builds off the previous lesson and talks about celebrations and traditions that occur within students' lives.
NHES Performance Indicator
Identify how the family influences personal health practices and behaviors (indicator 2.2.1).
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to
- identify how family traditions and celebrations make them feel and
- describe how family traditions and celebrations differ among families.
Skill Development Step
Step 4: skill practice
Materials needed for the My Celebrations, Your Celebrations activity
Instant Activity
- Ask students to think about a celebration that they get to take part in. Ask them to tell you how participating in that celebration or tradition makes them feel.
- Write their responses on the board.
- Using the examples being written on the board, ask students to make the facial expression that represents that emotion.
Explain to students that today we will be discussing celebrations and traditions that they experience. Let them know that these do not have to be “big” events or celebrations; they are any event that is special to them and that they get to participate in with people who are important to them.
Main Activity
My Celebrations, Your Celebrations (page 85)
Ask students to think of a trusted adult to tell about today's lesson and to ask them about a celebration that they enjoy participating in.
Ask students to brainstorm a list of celebrations prior to sending them off to work. This will allow students to pick from a list if they are struggling.
My Celebrations, Your Celebrations
Lesson 3
NHES Performance Indicator
Identify how the family influences personal health practices and behaviors (indicator 2.2.1).
Through this activity, students will be able to
- identify how family traditions and celebrations make them feel and
- describe how family traditions and celebrations differ among families.
Skill Development Step
Step 4: skill practice
20 to 30 minutes
- Copies of the My Celebrations, Your Celebrations worksheet
- Crayons and pencils
Students will complete the worksheet that has them think about a celebration that they enjoy participating in. After students complete the worksheet, allow students the chance to share (either in pairs or as a large group).
Tips and Extensions
- Connect to social studies standards to make deeper connections to other learning.
- Allow students to include any celebration that is important to them, if they are struggling to come up with a celebration refer to the previous lesson to help with examples.

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