Analyzing Influences: Assessment for Grades K through 2
This is an excerpt from Lesson Planning for Skills-Based Elementary Health Education With Web Resource by Holly Alperin & Sarah Benes.
A summative assessment that measures unit objectives is in this section. Suggestions for formative assessment of additional learning objectives are in the lesson plans. You can include a formative assessment of the skill objectives during any of the skill practice activities found in the unit. You should modify the assessment and other materials found in the unit as necessary to meet the needs of your students. Remember to use a backward-design approach even when making modifications. This will ensure that your materials are intentional, purposeful, and aligned with untended outcomes.
Through this assessment, students will demonstrate their ability to identify how the family influences personal health practices and behaviors (indicator 2.2.1).
Throughout this unit, students have explored various traditions and celebrations and how family play a role in the ways that we celebrate. This assessment has students consider a celebration or tradition they would like to start in their family (keeping it broadly defined) or home.
Part I: Tradition or Celebration
On the Tradition or Celebration worksheet, draw a new tradition or celebration that would help you or your family to make positive health choices. After drawing your tradition or celebration, write the name of your tradition and explain how it will make you healthier. For example, a student may draw sitting down to dinner together, going for a walk as a family once per week, having a weekly game night, or writing down good things that happen and reading them at the end of the year.
Part II: Tradition Show and Tell
Now that students have created a tradition or health celebration, they get to try and influence others to participate in this celebration or tradition too.
After students have drawn their tradition and explained how it will help them to be healthy, they will bring in an artifact or symbol of their tradition from home. Students will share this with the class and tell the class how they would publicize their tradition to encourage others to participate in the tradition too. To guide the show and tell, use the Tradition Show and Tell worksheet.
- For younger students, reduce the writing portion, though do have them consider how they would publicize their tradition. This will still encourage critical thinking about how the media influences our choices.
- If a student struggles to come up with a new tradition, consider helping them to adapt a current tradition or celebration that takes place in the home.
Implementation Tips
- Recognize that home will look different for all children and that the celebrations may or may not be sustainable in the long term.
- The focus should be on helping students to consider why a celebration or tradition is valuable to their health and how implementing it would serve to connect with those they care about.
- Encourage students to think about traditions that could be done with a trusted adult if family isn't accessible for students.

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