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Physical Activity Instruction of Older Adults 2nd Edition epub

Author: Debra Rose

$125.95 CAD

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$125.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492572404


Page Count: 432

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Physical Activity Instruction of Older Adults, Second Edition, is the most comprehensive text available for current and future fitness professionals who want to design and implement effective, safe, and fun physical activity programs for older adults with diverse functional capabilities.

Along with an updated review of the research and literature, the second edition introduces a new chapter on the concept of whole-person wellness. It offers strategies for integrating the six dimensions of whole-person wellness (physical, emotional, intellectual, vocational, spiritual, and social) into health promotion and physical activity programs for older adults.

This cohesive blend of theory, practical content, and detailed instruction is divided into four parts, each of which addresses one or more of the nine training modules that comprise International Curriculum Guidelines for Preparing Physical Activity Instructors of Older Adults, the expert-developed guidelines on which this text is based:

• Part I presents an overview of the physiological aspects of aging and the field of gerokinesiology to help readers understand the psychosocial and cognitive benefits derived from regular physical activity.

• Part II leads readers through the process of conducting preexercise health screenings and assessments, providing meaningful feedback to clients, evaluating program outcomes, and helping clients develop short- and long-term behavioral goals.

• Part III emphasizes programming principles and training methods that will facilitate the development of well-rounded and effective exercise programs. It includes specific activities for engaging older adults mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually along with myriad dynamic and static flexibility exercises to address joint and muscle flexibility, muscle strength, balance, mobility, endurance, and power.

• Part IV focuses on the teaching, motivation, communication, and leadership skills that are necessary for creating effective and safe programs for older adults, with or without specific medical conditions.

The text also offers a variety of features devised to enhance reader understanding and learning retention. Chapters begin with a list of objectives to familiarize readers with the key concepts they will learn, and each chapter concludes with thought-provoking study questions and practical application activities to help readers use the information with real-world scenarios to prepare them to design well-rounded physical activity programs. Other student-friendly elements include chapter summaries and key terms. The content is supplemented with photos, figures, and tables, making the book interesting and visually appealing. Those graphical elements are included in an image bank for instructors to use in creating customized presentations for their course.

Physical Activity Instruction of Older Adults, Second Edition, offers students and fitness professionals a contemporary approach that embraces a comprehensive wellness framework for designing health promotion and physical activity programs for older adults.

Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes both the book and exam.


Text for certification providers and universities offering courses relating to physical activity and older adults; also a reference for physical activity instructors, fitness specialists, personal trainers, activity directors, activity assistants, and therapeutic recreation specialists working with older adults.

Debra Rose, PhD, is a professor in the division of kinesiology and health science and director of the Center for Successful Aging at California State University at Fullerton. She also serves as codirector of the Fall Prevention Center of Excellence at the University of Southern California. Her primary research focus is on the enhancement of mobility, postural control, and the prevention of falls in later years.

Rose is nationally and internationally recognized for her work in assessment and programming for fall risk reduction. Her research in fall risk reduction in the elderly has been published in numerous peer-reviewed publications, including the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Neurology Report, and the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity—where she also served as an editor in chief. She was an expert contributor to Global Report on Falls Prevention in Older Age, published by the World Health Organization in 2007.

Rose is the creator of the innovative fall risk reduction program FallProof™, which was recognized by the Health Promotion Institute of the National Council on Aging (NCOA) in 2006 as a Best Practice program in health promotion. This program is currently being implemented in numerous community-based settings and retirement communities throughout the United States.

Rose was also the recipient of the 2013 Herbert A. DeVries Award for Distinguished Research on Aging from the American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation. She is a fellow and past president of the National Academy of Kinesiology (formerly American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education) and former executive board member of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity.

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Image bank. Includes all of the images from the text—sorted by chapter—to provide instructors with flexibility when creating their own customized presentations, handouts, and other course resources.