Myofascial Training epub
Intelligent Movement for Mobility, Performance, and Recovery
Author: Ester Albini
$41.95 CAD
Access Duration: 10 Years

Myofascial Training: Intelligent Movement for Mobility, Performance, and Recovery will show you how to reset your network of fascia, the connective tissues that support and protect the muscles and bones that facilitate every move you make. The result? A toned, balanced, relaxed, and coordinated body.
Following five fundamental strategies—feel, mobilize, stretch, move, and release—you will learn specific exercises for the fascia throughout your body. The movements are simple, and most require only your own bodyweight. Expert instruction will lead you through sequences to improve function, enhance performance, recover from injury, and release tension. More than 600 color photos show the correct starting position and technique for each movement to ensure optimal results.
In addition, you’ll find dedicated sequences and programs for specific situations and conditions. Constantly working at a computer? Focus on relief for the shoulders and neck or for carpal tunnel syndrome. Standing all day? Try a program for healthy feet. Looking to improve a personal best? Employ techniques to help improve running form.
Whether you want to improve your functional daily living or enhance athletic performance, the benefits of mobilizing the fascia network are significant. With Myofascial Training, you will learn to truly listen to and feel how your body moves as a functional unit and how to incorporate the right training exercises to feel your absolute best.
Fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and fitness and allied health professionals.Chapter 2. Myofascial Lines
Chapter 3. FReE: Fascial Real Emotion
Chapter 4. FEEL IT: Perception and Activation
Chapter 5. MOBILITY: Functional Mobility
Chapter 6. STRETCH: Fascial Stretching and Shape
Chapter 7. ENERGY: Movement as Elastic Energy
Chapter 8. RELEASE: Fascial Release
Chapter 9. Training Programs