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Review of Adapted Physical Education and Sport, 7th Edition

From Susan J Grosse, Past President of American Association for Active Lifestyles and Fitness, AAHPERD


In Adapted Physical Education and Sport 7th Edition, authors Winnick and Porretta have provided readers a wide curricular base in combination with extensive disability specific information. The content is ideally suited for project based learning, particularly in settings where in-person field work is not an option. It is for pre-service as well as practicing professionals. Whether in inclusive or disability specific situations, the provided material is useful, practical, and immediately applicable. This is not just an edition reprint, but the publication is NEW, fresh, and up-to-date.


A healthy lifestyle through physical activity is emphasized throughout. Detailed implementation information is provided for the Brockport physical fitness test battery, originated decades ago by Winnick. Extensive research supports this well-known and extensively used assessment instrument. Inclusion here supports the total activity concept for individuals with disabilities.


While competitive and elite competition is included, the span of activities in this new edition is also comprehensive in coverage of recreational and adventure physical activities. Content is an appropriate resource for recreation and therapeutic activity professionals as well as those in physical education and sport.


Adapted Physical Education and Sport, 7th Edition


Adapted Physical Education and Sport 7th Edition is well written and organized in a user friendly manner. Extensive supportive materials enhance the content and additional resources and references are evident throughout. It is an excellent course text or personal reference book. Presented in several learning formats allows customization suitable for any learning style or education situation.


Susan J. GrosseSusan J. Grosse is also author of Water Learning and Lifeguard Training Activities and Games. In her leisure time she enjoys swimming, canoeing, reading, and listening to music.
Aquatic resources by Grosse