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Live Well: Reproductive and Sexual Health

Customize health and sex education instruction to meet local needs


Middle school and high school health education and sex education standards vary from state to state and from district to district. Live Well: Reproductive and Sexual Health is an interactive web textbook that’s designed to be flexible and customizable to meet schools’ local curriculum needs.


The web text includes 15-self-contained lessons and accompanying ancillaries that cover a range of reproductive and sexual health topics, with varying levels of complexity. Schools can pick and choose which lessons they want to use for their health ed or sex ed curricula and at which grade level. Students only have access to the lessons that teachers grant them access to based on the school or district’s local decisions regarding class content.


For the students, each lesson in interactive web text also includes the following:

  • Note-taking guide
  • Skill-building worksheet
  • Vocabulary review worksheet (with variation for English language learners)
  • Video of students talking about health skills and answering interview questions about the lesson topic


Teacher ancillaries feature the following for every lesson:

  • Lesson planner chart
  • Lesson plans
  • PowerPoints
  • Lesson quizzes
  • Answer keys
  • Rubrics to assess skill development


Whether it’s used as part of a health education class in combination with Live Well middle or high school health texts or as part of a separate sex education class, Live Well: Reproductive and Sexual Health is a versatile resource that schools can draw upon in full or in part to customize instruction to their local needs and requirements. Human Kinetics K-12 educational consultants will work with school systems to tailor a combination of student and teacher instructional resources that’s best for them.



 Lesson List

  • Abstinence
  • Abstinence and Contraception
  • Adolescence and Puberty
  • Conception and Pregnancy
  • Conception and Pregnancy (Comprehensive Version)
  • Dating Relationships
  • Female Reproductive System
  • Male Reproductive System
  • Relationships and Communication Skills
  • Reproductive System in People With Ovaries
  • Reproductive System in People With Testicles
  • Sexual Activity and Affirmative Consent
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Including HIV and AIDS
  • Teens and Identity Exploration



Contact your K-12 sales rep to discuss how the Live Well School Health Program can be configured to meet the health education needs of your community. 

Email or call Toll-Free at 1-855-473-7345 (1-855-HPERD-HK).