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Integrating Social-Emotional Learning


APRIL 2020

Tapping into students’ emotions is essential to motivate students to want to live active, healthy lifestyles. Physical education and health provides one of the best platforms to inspire growth in the whole child. 




Find out more about the workshops offered by Leigh Anderson and Don Glover on the topic of motivation and social - emotional learning.


Leigh Anderson Workshop


Learn how to empower students and inspire active, healthy lifestyles through social emotional learning. Concepts such as teamwork, growth mindset, resilience, leadership, optimistic thinking, etc will be integrated into active games, team building challenges and goal setting. Reach out to Leigh at



Leigh AndersonLeigh Anderson is an Instructional Coach in White Bear Lake, Minnesota where she applies many team building concepts with both students and staff. In addition to her elementary teaching, coaching and intervention experience, Leigh taught at the Graduate level in the Masters of Teaching and Learning program at Saint Mary’s University. She has co-authored three books dealing with best practices in education, including Team Building Through Physical Challenges and  Building Character, Community, and a Growth Mindset in Physical Education. She has presented both nationally and internationally. Leigh holds a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and a Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction.