Dr. Jacalyn Lund Awarded Luther Halsey Gulick Medal
Dr. Jacalyn Lund, Professor Emeritus at Georgia State University, was awarded the Luther Halsey Gulick Medal at the 2022 Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America annual convention held in New Orleans, LA. The Luther Halsey Gulick Medal is the highest honor awarded by SHAPE America bestowed in recognition of long and distinguished service to one or more of the professions represented in the Association.
Award criteria include the following:
- Be clearly outstanding in his/her profession.
- Exemplify the best in service, research, teaching and/or administration.
- Be recognized by members of SHAPE America as a noteworthy leader.
- Be the type of person whose life and contributions could inspire youth to live vigorously, courageously, and freely as citizens in a free society.
After graduating from Michigan State University, Dr. Lund began her 16 year public school teaching career in Colorado where she also served as president of the Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (CAHPERD). Leaving Colorado, she graduated with her Ph.D. from The Ohio State University, having enjoyed the mentorship of Dr. Daryl Siedentop, who was one of the pioneers of physical education teacher education. Her career in higher education included positions at the University of Louisville, Ball State University, and most recently Georgia State University where she served as a faculty member and Kinesiology and Health Department Chair.
Dr. Lund has published over forty peer reviewed articles, presented over two hundred sessions, and written seven books, several of which have multiple editions. Her books include two highly successful Human Kinetics textbooks, Performance-Based Assessment for Middle and High School Physical Education and Assessment-Driven Instruction in Physical Education. She is currently writing an all new and innovative physical education curriculum textbook for Human Kinetics.
Additionally, Dr. Lund has presented keynote sessions both nationally and internationally, served as a Research Fellow for the Ministry of Education in Singapore, as well as an external reviewer for physical education programs in the United States and abroad. Dr. Lund was a member of the task force that wrote the first national standards for physical education published in 1995. Dr. Lund served as president of the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) in 2006-7, was the NASPE representative to the AAHPERD Board of Governors 2009-2012 and was president of SHAPE America 2016-17. In 2013, Dr. Lund was awarded the NASPE Honor Award. In 2019, she was inducted into the National Academy of Kinesiology as Fellow #569. She is also a fellow with the National Association of Kinesiology in Higher Education (#16), a Research Fellow of SHAPE America, and a member of the North American Society.
Throughout her career, Dr. Lund has devoted herself to improving the quality of physical education for school-aged children. Her work on assessment in physical education is widely used in teacher education programs as well as by K-12 physical education teachers.

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