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Strength Zone Training gift basket

Help the strength and conditioning enthusiast in your life take a strategic approach to their workouts by using a proven system that trains strength through each joint’s true full range of motion. Give them a copy of Strength Zone Training by renowned trainer, Nick Tumminello, that will teach them how to stop performing redundant exercises and workouts that leave large gaps in their strength. Pair the book with Nick Tumminello’s signature NT Loop Bands and a pair of dumbbells for a perfect gift.

Strength Zone Training

Train each muscle’s full range of motion

Strength Zone Training teaches true full range of motion training and makes it simple to create workout programs that eliminate exercise redundancy, increase strength through the full range of motion, and improve your physique. Renowned personal trainer Nick Tumminello breaks down exercises for every area of the body, complete with visual demonstrations that depict which zones of the exercise provide a training stimulus. He explains how to combine exercises and offers four chapters of programs so you can choose a fully comprehensive program that is right for you in difficulty and frequency. Put simply, Strength Zone Training is your blueprint for building muscle with a purpose.

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