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Simplify your workouts with these books

Training can get confusing and maybe even overwhelming. These books will help simplify your workouts so that you can save time and target your workouts for quicker results.

Strength Training for All Body Types

Learn to create training programs that meet your individual needs

Strength Training for All Body Types - Strength Training for All Body Types details how to adapt exercises to account for different joint angles, bone lengths, and overall body structure. It explains how different bodies manage various exercises and how to optimize training outcomes by modifying strength and program design.

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Partner Workouts

Have fun, stay accountable, and get fit with partner workouts

Partner Workouts - Partner Workouts provides fun and effective exercises and workouts designed to give you and your partner maximum benefits. Learn to tailor workouts to your desires and needs and get stronger, fitter, and healthier—together.

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Stretching Anatomy

Proven stretches to supplement training and enhance recovery

Stretching Anatomy - Stretching Anatomy, Third Edition, is a visual guide to stretches for improving range of motion, muscular strength, stamina, posture, and flexibility. It includes full-color anatomical illustrations highlighting the primary muscles and surrounding structures engaged.

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Smarter Workouts

Minimize workout time, maximize results

Smarter Workouts - Smarter Workouts delivers effective workouts designed around a single piece of equipment. From mobility to core strength to metabolic conditioning, you'll learn how to create workouts for your goal, your schedule, and the equipment you have access to.

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Kettlebell Training

Your ideal solution for strength, endurance, and sport performance

Kettlebell Training - Packed with almost 100 basic, intermediate, and advanced exercises, Kettlebell Training, Second Edition, provides complete coverage on getting started with kettlebells, creating customized sport-specific routines, and conditioning the whole body.

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Your Workout Perfected

Fix the mistakes you may already be making to better achieve your goals

Your Workout Perfected - Your Workout PERFECTED separates fact from fiction to improve fitness, function and performance, fat loss, and physique. Comprehensive and practical, all exercises and workout programs are accompanied by step-by-step instructions, training advice, safety considerations, and variations.

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Functional Training Anatomy

Train to improve functional performance in sport and everyday life

Functional Training Anatomy - Functional Training Anatomy covers all aspects of how to build a purposeful, effective, and efficient training program that develops the power, strength, stability, and functional mobility needed to support the body's demands in athletic performance and daily living.

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