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Partner Workouts

Training Together for Better Results

Author: Krista Popowych

$34.95 CAD

$34.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718200401


Page Count: 224

Encouragement, motivation, friendly competition, and accountability are just a few of the many benefits of working out with a partner. And there is no doubt that partner workouts produce results. But success requires more than just pairing up. You need the right partner, the best exercises, and proven programs to achieve and maintain your goals. You need Partner Workouts.

In Partner Workouts, fitness expert Krista Popowych will help you establish the foundation for success with guidance on movement principles, exercise selection, and your training environment setup. You'll get advice on how to select a partner for maximum benefits and how to work out with the partners you already have, including a friend, significant other, or child. Learn how to modify exercises and adapt your workouts based on variances in individual partner goals, level of fitness, and relative size, so you can both get the maximum benefit from each workout.

You'll find 15 ready-to-use workouts, along with nearly 100 exercises and stretches for creating your own perfect partner workout. Tailor workouts to your desired focus, including HIIT, strength workouts, cardio, and more. Most of the included exercises require no equipment at all, while others use readily available equipment such as resistance bands and medicine balls. The versatility of each exercise makes it simple for you and your partner to get in a great workout, no matter whether you're in a gym, in your home, or outdoors.

For fitness professionals, the teaching tips will help with incorporating partner exercises into large- or small-group fitness programs, building comradery, and keeping clients coming back for more. With progressions and regressions for each exercise, fitness professionals can learn to create workouts that are adaptable and scalable for every scenario.

Learn how exercising with a partner can get you engaged in your workouts and keep you moving toward your goals. Become fitter and stronger together with Partner Workouts.


Fitness enthusiasts who want to work out with a partner as well as group fitness instructors and personal trainers who lead small- or large-group classes.
Part I. Get Set

Chapter 1. Benefits of Partner Workouts
Chapter 2. Foundations of Partner Training
Chapter 3. Training Equipment and Workout Space
Chapter 4. Partner Roles and Goals

Part II. Partner Exercises

Chapter 5. Bodyweight Exercises
Chapter 6. Partner-Resisted Exercises
Chapter 7. Small-Equipment Exercises
Chapter 8. Cardio and HIIT Exercises
Chapter 9. Partner Solo Exercises
Chapter 10. Flexibility Training

Part III. Sample Workouts

Chapter 11. No-Equipment Workouts
Chapter 12. Small-Equipment Workouts
Chapter 13. Cardio and HIIT Workouts
Chapter 14. Full Body Workouts
Chapter 15. Specialty Workouts
Chapter 16. Flexibility Training Workout

Appendix A. Personal Training for Partner Workouts
Appendix B. SWEAT Self-Worksheet

Krista Popowych, BHKin, is a renowned presenter and instructor of group fitness, personal training, and fitness management. She has traveled extensively to share her passion for fitness by educating instructors and trainers at conferences and speaking engagements across the globe. She received the prestigious international IDEA Fitness Instructor of the Year award and has also been recognized for her countless contributions to the continual education of fitness professionals across Canada, receiving canfitpro’s Canadian Presenter of the Year honor three times.

Popowych’s career has spanned the many transformations and innovations that have taken the fitness industry to where it is today. In addition to a degree in human kinetics (kinesiology), focusing on instructing and coaching, she holds specialty certifications as a Keiser indoor cycling master trainer and a Balanced Body integrated movement specialist, and she has multiple training certifications in disciplines such as Pilates, yoga, stability ball, TRX suspension training, kickboxing, BOSU, fitness trampoline, and Barre. She also holds leadership certifications from canfitpro as a Fitness Instructor Specialist (FIS) and a Personal Trainer Specialist (PTS), and she is a certified BCRPA Trainer of Fitness Leaders (TFL). She is the global director of group education for Keiser and the cocreator of The Ride, an on-demand indoor cycling and fitness platform.

As a dynamic on-camera fitness instructor, Popowych has hosted and cohosted one of Canada’s most widely televised health and fitness shows and has hundreds of hours of featured video fitness and education content. In addition to being a freelance writer with contributions to IDEA Fitness Journal, American Fitness, Australian Fitness Network, Club Industry Fitness Business Pro, and canfitpro Magazine, she has been a fitness columnist and a source expert in magazines such as Shape and Chatelaine. Krista also gives back to the community by mentoring university kinesiology students and supporting various fundraising initiatives, sharing her time and talents. She is a board member and consultant for numerous influential fitness companies, contributing her insights and real-world advice. Krista lives in Vancouver, Canada, with her husband, son, and daughter. She loves spending time with all of her family and friends, keeping active, having fun, always learning, and living each day with a grateful heart.

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