Glute circuit
The goal with glute circuits is not to get stronger over time or set personal records. This is not the time to be grinding out repetitions. Rather, focus on feeling...
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The goal with glute circuits is not to get stronger over time or set personal records. This is not the time to be grinding out repetitions. Rather, focus on feeling...
This program from JC's Total Body Transformation is a specialized dumbbell-only workout for the arms. This a perfect workout for people who want to do a specialized workout at home...
Dumbbells are one of the smartest ways to do a total-body workout if they are used correctly. One of their best traits is that they are compact and easy to...
Dumbbells can help improve muscle strength, and they can also be an effective tool for enhancing mobility because the weight can lengthen muscle and connective tissue while taking a limb...
This muscle-building workout is perfect for beginner to intermediate lifters and requires only a pair of dumbbells. Learn more in Secrets of Successful Program Design.
Intensity is written in terms of repetition maximum (RM), which is the maximum number of repetitions required to reach a point of momentary fatigue with a specific weight. 10RM means...
This program from JC's Total Body Transformation is a specialized dumbbell-only workout for the arms. This a perfect workout for people who want to do a specialized workout at home...
The goal with glute circuits is not to get stronger over time or set personal records. This is not the time to be grinding out repetitions. Rather, focus on feeling...
Try this resistance training program from Eat.Lift.Thrive by Sohee Fit. From start to finish, this program should take you about 30 minutes to complete. Learn more in Eat.Lift.Thrive.