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Kettlebell workout for fat-loss

Kettlebell training is efficient because it combines the benefits of strength training, anaerobic and aerobic cardiorespiratory training, and flexibility and mobility all in one.

Try this kettlebell workout for beginner fat-loss from Kettlebell Training. The video demonstrates the main exercises in the program but the full program can be found below.

1. Around-the-body pass: 30 seconds each direction
2.Halo: 30 seconds each direction
3. Kettlebell deadlift: 10 reps
4. Goblet squat: 10 reps
5. Joint mobility exercises: Rotate all major joints 10-20 times

Main Session:
1. Single swing
2. Single press
For both exercisess perform for 20 seconds with 10 seconds rest before alternating arms. Perform 4 sets with 1 min rest for recovery between sets.

Cool Down:
1. Easy jog for 10 min
2. Stretch for 5 min: 30 sec each side for each stretch

Kettlebell Training Learn more and purchase here.

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