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Dumbbell Training Workouts - Week Four

This is week four of a four-week dumbbell training workout. All you need for this four week program is a pair of dumbbells.
Did you complete Week Three of Dumbbell Training? Then you're ready for your final week of this program.
Congratulations on reaching the final three workouts of this four-week program. The number of sets and reps change in this week again, so be sure to look at your workout sheet to complete these workouts. Take a look at your record of weight lifted each week over the last four weeks - has it changed?
Video workouts for your final three workouts can be found below.

Week Four Workout Videos

Week 4: Monday
Week 4: Wednesday
Week 4: Friday

Download the Workouts

Dumbbell Training, Second EditionLearn more in Dumbbell Training.
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