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Yin Yoga 50+

Slow Flows to Restore Your Body, Improve Flexibility, and Relieve Pain

Author: Paul Steele

$31.95 CAD

$31.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718227071


Page Count: 160

The long, passive stretches of yin yoga help you release tension, and they improve your flexibility and mobility. But the benefits of yin yoga go beyond the physical. The slow, mindful nature of the practice helps reduce stress and calms your mind, giving you a greater feeling of well-being.

The book gives you the tools and inspiration you need to practice this soft, slow form of yoga. Find the benefits you get from each pose; try out sequences that help with everything from sore shoulders to improving your golf, hiking, and skiing; and start or end the day with a 15-minute fix to take the stress out of your joints and muscles.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi, Yin Yoga 50+ is the perfect guide to help you harness the power of yin yoga and experience a more peaceful, balanced life.

Time to give yin yoga a try? You’ll be surprised at the profound effect this gentle practice will have on your body and mind.


Yoga practitioners age 50 and over seeking increased flexibility and mobility; also yoga instructors and other professionals working with clients in this age group.
Chapter 1. What Is Yin Yoga?
Chapter 2. A Brief History of Yin Yoga
Chapter 3. Let’s Get Started
Chapter 4. Yin Yoga Asanas
Chapter 5. Putting the Pieces Together (Yin Yoga Sequences)
Chapter 6. 15-Minute Fixes to Get You Ready for Anything
Chapter 7. Life Hacks to Add to Your Yin

Paul Steele’s yoga journey started about 10 years ago when he attended yoga classes to try to improve his flexibility. When he was 63, he damaged his knee in a fitness boxing class. To find a solution, he discovered yin yoga. This inspired him to attend a Yoga Alliance teachers’ course in Spain that taught him the practices and principles of yin yoga.

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