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Physical Literacy on the Move PDF

Games for Developing Confidence and Competence in Physical Activity

Author: Heather Gardner

$28.95 CAD

$28.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492580867


Page Count: 280

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Authors have addressed physical literacy in books before—but these books have never comprehensively tied theory to practice. Author Heather Gardner has found a way to help K-12 physical and health education teachers bridge this gap in Physical Literacy on the Move.

The result? Students not only learn the concepts of physical literacy but also learn to apply those concepts while having great fun and developing skills and self-confidence along the way.

120 Games for Physical Literacy Development

This highly practical text applies physical literacy from a holistic point of view that goes beyond acquiring basic sport skills or fitness training. The book focuses on the key concepts of physical literacy as it offers the following:

• 120 ready-to-use games and activities appropriate for a variety of accessible settings

• Game and activity adaptations to increase or decrease the challenge

• Personal reflection self-check questions for each activity to help students consider the movement skills, concepts, and strategies used, as well as relationship and social skills and critical thinking issues

• A game finder that helps you find the right kind of game and level of challenge for your students

Four Learning Levels With Adaptations for Each Game

Gardner has broken the games and activities into four progressive levels of learning: beginning, exploring, competent, and proficient. In this way, students are not stuck in levels that are too easy or too hard for them—they have the opportunity to make decisions regarding their own groups, equipment, game set-up, and adaptations. The approach lets them find the optimal level of challenge, maximizing both participation and fun.

The book contains eight chapters, each of which is broken into the four levels of learning. In addition to the ready-to-use games and activities, each chapter also has three special elements to aid in your instruction:

Words to Know offers terms and illustrations that are important to your physical literacy instruction and that pertain to specific fundamental movement skills.

Where’s the Physical Literacy? highlights background information and other key learning that you might find appropriate for your students.

Educator Check and Reflect provides teaching and safety tips, strategies for creating an inclusive learning environment, and teaching reminders.

Game Construction

The games and activities are grouped into activity categories: low-organization games, personal fitness, gymnastics, creative movement, running and skipping, throwing and catching, striking with hands, and striking with an implement or feet. The game descriptions offer all the information needed to easily put them into play; each lists the activity goal, fundamental movement skill, tactical focus, level, facility, equipment, safety, activity instructions, adaptations, self-check questions, and more. You can search for games by chapter, skill, developmental level, or activity category.

The Outcome: Physically Literate Students

When people are physically literate, they can function confidently and competently in a variety of environments and physical activities—activities that aid the development of the whole person. Physical Literacy on the Move is a tremendous resource to help your students develop their physical literacy. And as they are developing that literacy, you can be supporting their individual needs, thanks to the practical applications of the concepts and theories as delivered through the games and activities.

The student-centered games in this book lay the foundation for students to explore and develop their physical literacy through enjoyable activities. And the learning and experiences will spur them to continue being physically active throughout their lives.

Chapter 1. Low-Organization Games

Chapter 2. Personal Fitness

Chapter 3. Gymnastics

Chapter 4. Creative Movement

Chapter 5. Running and Skipping

Chapter 6. Throwing and Catching

Chapter 7. Striking With Hands

Chapter 8. Striking With an Implement or Feet

Heather Gardner, MEd, is a curriculum consultant in Toronto with decades of experience in public school teaching and as a provincial health and physical education (HPE) consultant. She has done major curriculum consulting work for Ophea, a not-for-profit organization that champions healthy, active living in schools and communities. She has been an HPE teacher and curriculum consultant for the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board. Gardner also has been an HPE instructor for Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario, and has served as a writer and instructor for the Elementary Teacher Federation of Ontario. She was honored by Best Health magazine as having Canada’s best fitness blog in 2013. Gardner enjoys running, yoga, and participating in half Ironman triathlons.

"This is a very helpful resource for all educators who desire to be on the leading edge in the delivery of quality programs. It gives educators the how-to to make a significant difference in their program delivery."

—Sport for Life Society