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Modern Art and Science of Mobility epub, The

$48.95 CAD

$48.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492590507


Page Count: 352

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Live pain free and maximize your training potential!

The Modern Art and Science of Mobility is a striking visual guide to releasing muscle tension and activating muscles for functional motion. It goes beyond traditional training methods that focus on performance and aesthetics and asks these simple questions:
  • Are you truly reaping the full benefits of training if it does not include mobility exercises?
  • Why are the vast majority of people, even the most athletic individuals, unable to perform basic motor tasks without pain or difficulty?
  • Why are physically active people still dealing with lack of mobility and chronic injury?
Whether you are a casual exerciser or an elite athlete, you will learn how to preserve and maintain your body with over 300 exercises designed to improve mobility, facilitate recovery, reduce pain, and activate muscles. Utilize the self-tests to assess your current level of mobility, and then choose from over 50 prescriptive training routines that can be used as is or customized to target specific functional chains. You’ll find exercise recommendations based on body region, activity, and primary goal, and you’ll learn to incorporate a variety of techniques and popular equipment, including resistance bands, foam rollers, massage balls, and stability balls.

The Modern Art and Science of Mobility provides a stunning visual presentation with over 1,200 photos and 100 original illustrations by Stéphane Ganneau. His illustrations highlight the muscles with precision, and his avant-garde style and the harmony of colors give this book a unique graphic signature.

Mobility is the foundation for training your best and feeling your best. The Modern Art and Science of Mobility will help you do just that by helping you to alleviate pain, improve posture, and release muscle tension for a more comfortable and enjoyable quality of life.


Individuals looking to reduce or eliminate pain, improve quality of life, enhance the mind–body connection, improve posture, allow limber movement of the joints, and release tension within muscles; also for fitness professionals who work with such individuals.
Part I. Pain

01. Pain and Movement
02. Trigger Points
03. Self-Massage
  • Should Massage Be Painful?
  • The Iliotibial Band
  • From Self-Massage to the Warm-Up
04. Combatting Pain
  • The Basic Rules for a Reset
  • Limiting the Exclusive Use of Self-Massage
  • The Theoretical Need for an Analytical Approach
  • The Scans

Part II. Breathing

01. The Relationship Between Stress and Breathing
02. Comfort Zone and Stress Zone
03. The Muscular System and Breathing
04. Retraining the Diaphragm
05. Training the Respiratory System
06. Managing Your Day

Part III. Movement

01. Muscle Chains
  • The Myofascial Network
  • The Agonist, Antagonist, Synergist, and Neutralizer Muscles
  • Open and Closed Kinetic Chains
  • Training Programs for Contraction

Part IV. Mobility

01. Functional Training
  • Muscle Fiber Type and Movement
  • Exercise Series
Aurélien Broussal-Derval holds master’s degrees in strength and conditioning, sport and rehabilitation, and performance engineering. He also has a degree in sport sciences from the National Institute of Sport and Physical Education (INSEP) in Paris, France. He is the author of The Modern Art of High Intensity Training and French best sellers Modern Physique Training, Judo Physique Training, Proprioception, and Field Tests: Protocols for Measuring Sport Performance. Highlights of Broussal-Derval’s career as a strength and conditioning coach include his training of Olympic medalists, professional athletes, the French Olympic weightlifting team, the French boxing teams, and the British and Russian judo teams. He led research for France Volleyball for years and is the technical director to one of the world’s premier martial arts studios, the prestigious Cercle Tissier in Vincennes. Today he is head of French Weightlifting Coaches Development. Broussal-Derval lives in Paris.

Stéphane Ganneau is a professional illustrator and graphic designer. After training in applied arts in Nantes, France, he launched his career in advertising and product design. After 15 years, Ganneau’s independent spirit, need for creativity, and desire for challenge drew him away from industry work. He now merges his love for illustration with his passion for resistance training. His strong graphics, expressive lines, and vibrant colors result in a distinctive style that pairs perfectly with The Modern Art of High Intensity Training and now The Modern Art and Science of Mobility.

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