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Maximum Interval Training PDF

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ISBN: 9781492579434


Page Count: 368

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Are you ready to challenge yourself, and turn up the intensity of your workouts? Are you ready for a proven program that burns fat, increases muscle, and sculpts the physique you’ve always wanted? If so, then Maximum Interval Training is for you!

Maximum Interval Training combines high-intensity exercises and nontraditional equipment with a variety of modalities and training options to stimulate muscle growth, avoid plateaus, and produce results.

You’ll find step-by-step instructions, expert advice, and photo depictions of 147 exercises as well as ready-to-use programs for power, strength, endurance, quickness, agility, tactical training, and total-body conditioning. But rest assured that it won’t be more of the same. You’ll test your limits with a regimen of sprints, medicine balls, heavy ropes, kettlebells, sandbags, body-weight exercises, and suspension training.

Train with maximum intensity for maximum results!

Part I Maximum Interval Conditioning

Chapter 1 Advantages of Maximum Interval Training

Chapter 2 Equipment Options and Safety Considerations

Part II Maximum Interval Exercises

Chapter 3 Body-Weight Training

Chapter 4 Sprinting

Chapter 5 Medicine Balls

Chapter 6 Heavy Ropes

Chapter 7 Suspension Training

Chapter 8 Kettlebells

Chapter 9 Sandbags

Chapter 10 Other Training Formats

Part III Design of Maximum Interval Programs

Chapter 11 Testing Considerations and Variables

Chapter 12 Protocols for Measuring Fitness and Performance Parameters

Chapter 13 Interpreting Results and Setting Goals

Chapter 14 Creating a Personalized Program

Chapter 15 Using Periodization to Push Performance to the Next Level

Part IV Maximum Interval Performance Programs

Chapter 16 Power and Strength

Chapter 17 Explosiveness

Chapter 18 Endurance

Chapter 19 Quickness and Agility

Chapter 20 Tactical Training

Chapter 21 Total-Body Conditioning

John Cissik is the president and owner of Human Performance Services, LLC (HPS), which helps athletics professionals solve their strength and conditioning needs. He coaches youth baseball, basketball, and Special Olympics sports and runs fitness classes for children with special needs. He has written 10 books and more than 70 articles on strength and speed training that have been featured in Muscle & Fitness, Iron Man, and track and field and coaching publications. He is also the author of Human Kinetics’ Speed for Sports Performance DVD series. Cissik specializes in education, strength training for baseball, basketball, track and field, and speed and agility training. He has worked with athletes from high school to Olympic levels. In addition to his role at HPS, he is the director of fitness and recreation at Texas Woman’s University. John is certified by the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a strength and conditioning specialist and personal trainer and by the National Academy of Sports Medicine as a personal trainer and corrective exercise specialist. He has held level I and level II certifications from USA Track and Field and was certified with the former U.S. Weightlifting Federation.

Jay Dawes is an assistant professor in the department of health sciences at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Before joining UCCS, Dawes was an assistant professor of kinesiology at Texas A&M at Corpus Christi and the director of education for the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Jay has worked as a strength and performance coach, personal trainer, educator, and postrehabilitation specialist for more than 15 years. A frequent presenter both nationally and internationally on topics related to health, fitness, and human performance, Dawes received his PhD from Oklahoma State University in the School of Applied Health and Educational Psychology with an emphasis in health and human performance. He is certified by the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a strength and conditioning specialist and personal trainer, by the American College of Sports Medicine as a health fitness specialist, and by USA Weightlifting as a club coach. He became a fellow of the NSCA in 2009.

“Coach John Cissik is one of the most knowledgeable and insightful men in the strength and conditioning world. In Maximum Interval Training he outlines techniques for using methods such as interval training, kettlebells, and periodization to make your performance soar.”

Steve Holman-- Editor in Chief Iron Man Magazine

“If you are seeking serious results through proven methods, this is the book for you! Whether you train others or are your own lab experiment, this book is an amazing resource for optimizing performance.”

Shawn Windle-- Indiana Pacers Head Strength Coach and Assistant Athletic Trainer

Maximum Interval Training offers superior guidance on high-intensity training involving heavy ropes, sandbags, medicine balls, body-weight resistance, sprinting, and kettlebells. Readers will benefit from John Cissik’s expert advice, insight, and instruction.”

Glynis Nunn-Cearns-- Executive Director Australian Track and Field Coaches Association