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Whether you’re training for your first triathlon or to finish your next multisport event in record time, Human Kinetics has the books and ebooks that will help you swim, bike, and run your way to the finish line.

Written by triathlon coaches and elite triathletes, find sample programs for each triathlon distance, technique analysis, training- and race-specific fueling strategies, and tips for focus and goal setting. Add new exercises and drills to your triathlon training workouts to improve running speed and endurance, cycling power, and stamina for the open water swim.

Serious triathletes can delve into the anatomy of the triathlete as well as the physiological and psychological aspects of competing in endurance events and see how heart rate monitors and GPS technology can enhance your athletic performance. Learn to improve transition time between phases, increase muscle strength, and optimize the efficiency of every movement. Strive to remain injury-free with stretching programs and yoga sequences that help prevent over-use injuries common to triathletes.

Triathlon coaches can create training programs and workouts to ensure clients develop triathlon-specific skills.