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Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation

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Provide the best possible patient outcomes for cardiac and pulmonary disease populations with professional references from Human Kinetics. We offer a selection of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation books, ebooks, and textbooks for instructors. Treat common lung and heart disorders such as hypertension, diabetes, congestive heart failure, and more. Perform physical examinations and implement exercise testing, field testing, and stress testing procedures to select your treatment goals. Encourage behavior modification in sedentary populations with appropriate exercise and nutrition programs informed by risk analysis. Be prepared to execute emergency procedures, as well as transition patients into impatient and outpatient care. Support patients throughout the continuum of care with an interprofessional health care team. Become an American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) accredited health care facility with resources that will help you prepare for certification.