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ACSM - Approved Courses

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American College of Sports Medicine

The American College of Sports Medicine’s Professional Education Committee certifies that Human Kinetics meets the criteria for official ACSM Approved Provider status from 1/1/2025 to 1/1/2026, provider number 660256.

To ensure the approved credits do not expire, Human Kinetics recommends that you complete the course and take the exam within the calendar year you purchased the course.

Renewal requirements
Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Group Exercise Instructor, Physical Activity in Public Health Specialist - 45.0 CECs every three years
Certified Exercise Physiologist, Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist - 60.0 CECs every three years
Certified Inclusive Fitness Trainer, Certified Cancer Exercise Trainer - 15.0 CECs every three years

Contact Information
P.O. Box 1440
Indianapolis, IN 46202-3233


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