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Prescriptive Stretching 2nd Edition Online CE Exam With Ebook

$82.95 CAD

Online Exam With Ebook
$82.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718223493


Approved Credits:

This package includes the following:
  • Prescriptive Stretching, Second Edition, ebook
  • Online continuing education exam
Prescriptive Stretching, Second Edition, features full-color anatomical illustrations and step-by-step instructions for dozens of the most effective stretches you can use with your clients to eliminate pain, alleviate muscle soreness, improve balance and flexibility, and prevent common injuries. You’ll find various types of stretches and techniques, including individual unassisted stretches, the use of a tennis ball to target troublesome areas like the shoulder and feet, and partner stretches to ease pain caused by poor posture or sitting for long periods of time.

Most importantly, Prescriptive Stretching offers ready-to-use stretching sequences to target specific problem areas. These pain release programs will help address many common ailments:
  • Back pain
  • Neck stiffness
  • Headaches
  • Shoulder soreness
  • Tennis or golfer’s elbow
  • Runner’s knee
After reading the ebook, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Explain the basic structure of muscle and identify the role of each component in relation to stretch and tension.
  • Recognize the causes of shortened muscles and trigger points, and explain why they are associated with pain and dysfunction of movement.
  • Identify the purpose and benefits of stretching in relation to pain relief and improved functioning.
  • Explain the four main principles of stretching.
  • Differentiate between the methods of active and passive PNF stretching techniques.
  • Illustrate the components of good posture in sitting and standing, and explain how stretching can be beneficial for muscles active in posture.
  • Interpret the symptoms of tightness within key targeted muscles.
  • Demonstrate flexibility tests for specific targeted muscles.
  • Demonstrate specific stretching techniques for major targeted muscles for optimal health.


Certified personal trainers, strength and conditioning coaches, athletic trainers, and other fitness professionals.
Muscles and Bones of the Human Body

Stretching Fundamentals
Targeted Stretches
Programs for Pain Relief
Assessing Flexibility and Muscle Balance

Stretch Index
Kristian Berg is a doctor of naprapathy, a medical therapy that focuses on manual manipulation and stretching of the spine and connective tissues. Since 1988 he has managed his own clinic in Stockholm, Sweden, where he specializes in musculoskeletal ultrasound diagnostics (MSKUL). He regularly lectures on MSKUL to specialists in orthopedics and sports medicine. As part of his practice, he is ESSR certified to offer PRP and ACP injections for severe tendon injuries. At his clinic, he has shown more than 30,000 patients the importance of stretching and muscular balance for overall health. Berg participates annually in international training courses in dissection, anatomy, and manipulative techniques.

Berg works with Stockholm’s Idrottsgymnasium (the Stockholm high school of sports) in integrating a personal training education into their regular education. He is a lecturer in anatomy at the Scandinavian College of Naprapathic Manual Medicine in Stockholm and is a highly regarded speaker on stretching and athletic training in Sweden and throughout Europe. He is a frequent lecturer at the Global Hamstring Project (inaugural conference in 2015) and a regular attendee of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) World Conference.

Before becoming a naprapath, Berg was a nationally ranked gymnast and a talented junior tennis player. More recently, he has competed as a multisport athlete and has climbed Aconcagua, the highest peak in South America. Berg resides in Svartsjo, Sweden.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Chris Trejbal
Excellent read

Easy to follow stretching instructions, not overly complicated, and the graphics demonstrating the stretches are visible and straightforward.