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Nine books to promote physical activity with kids of all abilities and interests

Wanting to encourage children to be physically active? We have resources that are used by PE teachers, homeschoolers, recreational professionals, and parents. Check out these resources to promote physical activity for children of all abilities!

Active Games for Children on the Autism Spectrum provides the adaptive framework educators need—and 80+ games—to help children on the autism spectrum become active and physically literate. Games are easy to use, with clear instructions and purpose.


Promoting Elementary School Physical Activity provides K-5 classroom teachers and physical educators with creative strategies and activities that have proven successful in schools and that are appropriate for all children.


Functional Strength Training for Physical Education With HKPropel Access


Functional Strength Training for Physical Education is an easy-to-follow guide for PE teachers and coaches working with middle and high school students. It outlines the benefits of functional strength training and how to develop a program that will give all students skills for their lifetime.


Pickleball First Steps guides teachers, pickleball instructors, and others in how to teach pickleball to youths 8 to 14 years of age. The ebook is endorsed by the International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association.


Educational Gymnastics for Children presents a child-centered teaching approach with learning experiences for all children. Safety measures, assessment strategies, and alignment with physical education standards are included. Children develop self-responsibility, respect for self and others, and balance as a lifetime skill.


Elementary Dance Education provides over 70 easy-to-implement movement activities and exercises for students in grades K-6. Activity variations are included for younger and older children and comes with 90 minutes of music to inspire exploration.


Team Building Through Physical Challenges explains the concepts involved in team building, shows how to set up teams to facilitate growth, and provides 67 mentally and physically challenging games and activities that will foster team building and the development of numerous social-emotional skills.


Physical Activities for Young People With Severe Disabilities will help you provide high-quality physical education for students with cerebral palsy, spina bifida, and other orthopedic impairments that inhibit their ability to function physically. The resource contains 50 activities that offer a range of options in working with students of varying abilities, evidence-based research that shows the benefits of activity for people with disabilities, and safety tips and teaching strategies.


Packed with over 450 activities and skills, Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out offers physical activity options that encourage success by honoring the capabilities of each person under your care. By suggesting ways that familiar games and activities might be modified, this reference offers opportunities for those with severe or multiple disabilities who may or may not use wheelchairs to participate on their own terms.