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Develop six pack abs with these resources

You want chiseled abs but haven't seen results? These books that offer a science-based approach to abdominal training designed to help you finally achieve the elusive six-pack.

Ultimate Abs

The must-have resource for developing killer abs

Ultimate Abs - Ultimate Abs provides a science-based approach to abdominal training designed to help you finally achieve that long elusive six-pack. This practical guide features 130 of the most effective exercises, a host of ready-to-use programs, and proven strategies for achieving and maintaining results.


Developing the Core

The path to your strongest core

Developing the Core, Second Edition -With contributions from 19 of the top names in sport training, science, and conditioning, Developing the Core, Second Edition, features expert advice for developing a personalized core program, along with over 70 of the most effective exercises, science-based assessment tools, and sport-specific programs.


Functional Core for Women

Work the core for function and strength

Functional Core for Women -Functional Core for Women: Targeted Training for Glutes and Abs helps women of all fitness levels improve strength and bodily aesthetics with an original and effective approach to working and reshaping the core muscles of the midsection and backside.


Strength Training for Fat Loss

Build muscle and achieve the fat loss results you desire

Strength Training for Fat Loss, Second Edition -As a leader in the fitness industry, Nick Tumminello offers a plan for losing fat with ready-to-use programs that use the three Cs of metabolic strength training—circuits, combinations, and complexes—to accelerate your metabolism and maximize fat loss while maintaining and even adding muscle.


Delavier's Core Training Anatomy

The perfect program for the perfect core

Delavier's Core Training Anatomy -Delavier’s Core Training Anatomy makes a perfect companion to the best-selling Strength Training Anatomy. The ideal visual supplement is accompanied by Frédéric Delavier’s signature illustrations and features 362 full-color photos of over 100 exercises and 60 sample programs, including those for strength and athletic performance.


Elite Physique

Transform your physique with scientifically proven strategies

Elite Physique - Based on scientifically proven strategies for making workouts more effective, Elite Physique will help men sculpt and transform their physique with full-body workouts, body part-specific exercises, and joint-friendly variations.


Strength Zone Training

Maximize strength through the true full range of motion

Strength Zone Training - Strength Zone Training redefines full range of motion training. Its workout programs eliminate redundant exercises you don't need and include the missing exercises you need to do to maximize strength. It is a blueprint for building muscle with a purpose.