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Developing the Core-2nd Edition

$38.95 CAD

$38.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718220386


Page Count: 272

It's no secret that a strong midsection is a necessity for elite-level athletes. In fact, research has established a direct correlation between core strength, performance, and injury risk reduction. With Developing the Core, Second Edition, you can gain the performance edge by strengthening your core and achieving greater stability and mobility.

Written by the National Strength and Conditioning Association with contributions from an experienced group of sport coaches and practitioners, Developing the Core, Second Edition, is the most comprehensive and up-to-date resource on the science for core training and its application. Along with the latest testing and assessment procedures and new insights regarding the neural control of the core muscles, you will find the following:
  • Core training guidelines and sample programs for 15 sports, including basketball, football, soccer, lacrosse, rugby, and mixed martial arts
  • Step-by-step instructions and detailed photos for 74 exercises
  • Expert advice and strategies for varying exercises and customizing programs
Developing the Core is the authoritative resource for strengthening the core and maximizing performance. It is an absolute must-have for serious athletes, strength and conditioning professionals, and coaches alike.

Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes both the book and exam.


Athletes and the strength and conditioning professionals, personal trainers, and other sport-related professionals who work with them.
Chapter 1. Core Anatomy and Biomechanics
Chapter 2. Core Strength and Athletic Performance
Chapter 3. Core Development, Injury Risk, and Pain
Chapter 4. Core Assessment
Chapter 5. Core Development Exercises
Chapter 6. Core Programming
Chapter 7. Baseball and Softball
Chapter 8. Basketball
Chapter 9. American Football
Chapter 10. Golf
Chapter 11. Ice Hockey and Lacrosse
Chapter 12. Soccer
Chapter 13. Swimming
Chapter 14. Tennis
Chapter 15. Track and Field
Chapter 16. Volleyball
Chapter 17. Wrestling and MMA
Chapter 18. Rugby
The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
is the world’s leading organization in the field of sport conditioning. Drawing on the resources and expertise of the most recognized professionals in strength training and conditioning, sport science, performance research, education, and sports medicine, the NSCA is the world’s trusted source of knowledge and training guidelines for coaches and athletes. The NSCA provides the crucial link between the lab and the field.

Jeffrey M. Willardson, PhD, CSCS,*D,
is an associate professor in the health and human performance department at Montana State University–Billings. He teaches biomechanics, exercise physiology, research methods in health and human performance, kinesiology, and foundations of exercise science. He received a PhD in curriculum and instruction, with an emphasis in exercise and wellness, from Arizona State University in 2005 and was named the Outstanding Graduating Doctoral Scholar. He has coauthored over 120 scientific manuscripts examining different aspects of resistance training for improving health and athletic performance.

Willardson is a recognized expert, both nationally and internationally, having traveled to Brazil and to Canada to speak and collaborate on research projects. He holds the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist credential from the National Strength and Conditioning Association and is an avid athlete who has competed seven times in drug-free bodybuilding competitions. In his free time, he enjoys family activities with his wife and four children.

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