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The ADA recommends HK titles for CSSD candidates

The Commission on Dietetic Registration recognizes that registered dieticians (RDs) who also gain a specialty credential will help set them apart and show that they are knowledgeable in their chosen fields. As such, the Commission developed numerous specialty credentials, including certification in Sports Dietetics. Board Certified Specialists in Sports Dietetics (CSSD) apply evidence-based nutrition knowledge in exercise and sports to assess, educate, and counsel athletes and active individuals. They design, implement, and manage safe and effective nutrition strategies that enhance lifelong health, fitness, and optimal performance. The CSSD credential identifies dieticians who are trained to understand athletes' needs and distinguishes them from dieticians who are less qualified.


To help those interested gain their certification, the council has come up with recommended readings. Human Kinetics is proud to have two texts on the recommended readings list that will help future sports dietetics specialists gain the credentials they will need in order to pursue careers in the sport nutrition field:


In addition, the American Dietetic Association recommends these HK titles for those working with competitive or recreational athletes:


Visit our Nutrition and Healthy Eating store for more outstanding resources.