Interactive Dance Series: A blend of dance resources with online components
Beginning Tap Dance introduces students to tap dance technique and assists students in cultivating an appreciation of tap dance as a performing art. This text details etiquette, class expectations, health, and injury prevention for dancers. It also covers history, major artists, styles, and aesthetics. An accompanying web resource supports learning with more than 70 video clips.
Beginning Ballet introduces students to ballet through participation and appreciation as an academic study. This resource details etiquette, class expectations, health, and injury prevention and explores ballet's history, major artists, styles, and aesthetics. Photos and descriptions in the text plus photos and video clips in an accompanying web resource help students learn and practice beginning ballet.
Beginning Modern Dance provides a multilayered learning experience for undergraduate and high school students. Students can practice beginning modern dance technique using the book's 50 photos with descriptions and 38 video clips and photos in the web resource. E-journal assignments, performance critiques, quizzes, and a glossary are also included in the web resource.
Beginning Jazz Dance provides students with the context and the basic instruction they need in order to learn beginning jazz dance techniques and become more knowledgeable dancers. The web resource has 55 photos and video clips showing basic jazz dance technique.
Beginning Musical Theatre Dance introduces students enrolled in their first musical theatre dance course to techniques, steps, and practices to prepare them for a future of on-stage performances. The text and web resource offer students what they need to know to audition, rehearse, perform, care for themselves, and have successful dance experiences.

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