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  • Dumbbells are the heart of any home gym

    Dumbbells are the heart of any home gym

    Dumbbells are the heart of any home gym. They confer several other advantages that can’t be derived from other exercise modalities, including the following qualities: Improved muscular balance. After nearly...

  • Core Circuit

    Core Circuit

    If you're traveling and find yourself with limited space and equipment--or even if you are at home and need a compact workout--try this core circuit that requires only you, the...

  • The Ball Buster

    The Ball Buster

    Medicine balls are a great way of training for power without the technical skill required for traditional power movements such as the clean and the snatch. This medicine ball circuit...

  • The Inferno Workout

    The Inferno Workout

    A famous saying claims that what gets measured, gets managed. In the following workout, what’s being measured is how many reps you can perform in a specific time frame. But...