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Sandbag exercises for metabolic conditioning

Like a medicine ball, a sandbag helps improve the strength of both muscle and
elastic connective tissues because you can move a sandbag in multiple directions
as opposed to moving in only a single, linear path of motion. Additional benefits
of sandbags include a pliable surface that helps develop grip strength and, unlike
medicine balls, it won’t roll away from you when you set it down. Select a weight
that is approximately 5 to 7 percent of your body weight when starting this circuit.
As you get stronger, you can gradually progress to ones that weigh 10 to 15 percent
of your body weight. Your goal is to complete AMRAP during the work interval. As
you feel yourself getting stronger, keep track of the number of reps you do during
your first time through the circuit, and then try to meet or beat that number each
additional time you do the exercise.

Smarter Workouts Learn more or purchase here.
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