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Yoga for Runners DVD: Intermediate Program

$9.99 CAD $19.95 CAD

DVD Video
$9.99 CAD

ISBN: 9780990075677

A complete yoga workout, with an energetic sequence of yoga poses, plus details on how each pose benefits runners. This program will increase flexibility and teach key strengthening work for runners.

• Stretch tight areas (hamstrings, hips, lower back)

• Strengthen weak areas (inner quads, adductors, core, upper body and back)

Run time: 80 minutes

DVD coding: Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only)

With an extensive history as a long-distance runner and yoga instructor, Christine Felstead has married her twin passions into a pioneering program for runners. She teaches yoga classes and workshops for runners and endurance athletes. Her Yoga for Runners teacher training program offers certification to a growing number of instructors now working in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. For additional information, visit Felstead presents regularly at International Yoga Expos and canfitpro conferences and has produced two best-selling DVDs on yoga for runners. She has been featured in numerous publications, including Runner’s World, Women’s Running, Yoga Journal, Women’s Health, Library Journal, and Canada’s National Post. She resides in Toronto.

Yoga for Runners DVD: Intermediate Program
Christine Felstead

Yoga for Runners DVD: Intermediate Program

$9.99 CAD $19.95 CAD

A complete yoga workout, with an energetic sequence of yoga poses, plus details on how each pose benefits runners. This program will increase flexibility and teach key strengthening work for runners.

• Stretch tight areas (hamstrings, hips, lower back)

• Strengthen weak areas (inner quads, adductors, core, upper body and back)

Run time: 80 minutes

DVD coding: Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only)

With an extensive history as a long-distance runner and yoga instructor, Christine Felstead has married her twin passions into a pioneering program for runners. She teaches yoga classes and workshops for runners and endurance athletes. Her Yoga for Runners teacher training program offers certification to a growing number of instructors now working in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. For additional information, visit Felstead presents regularly at International Yoga Expos and canfitpro conferences and has produced two best-selling DVDs on yoga for runners. She has been featured in numerous publications, including Runner’s World, Women’s Running, Yoga Journal, Women’s Health, Library Journal, and Canada’s National Post. She resides in Toronto.


  • DVD Video
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