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We Belong - A How-to Guide: Improving Access to Physical Activity Programs for Newcomer Youth

Author: PHE Canada

$34.95 CAD

Spiral bound
$34.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781927818459

Page Count: 75

This guide shares practical ways to enhance the experiences of young newcomers in physical activity settings by supporting facilitators in creating culturally responsive programs that are inclusive of all and fostering assets in participants using the asset-based community development approach.


Individuals facilitating physical activity experiences for young newcomers in Canada

Physical & Health Education Canada (PHE Canada) is a national leader and vital contributor in fostering achievement and health among Canadian children and youth by supporting physical and health education and active living initiatives where children live, learn, and play. PHE Canada’s vision is a future wherein all children and youth in Canada live healthy, physically active lives.

Contributors: Amanda Santec, PhD, Jennifer Bhalla, PhD, Brian Culp, PhD, Doug Gleddie, PhD, Peter Scales, PhD, Ashley Johnson, Amanda Parriag, Paul Chaulk, Jennifer Jones, Rebecca McQuaid, Amber Muir, Stephanie Talsma, Tricia Zakaria.