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Water Fun: Fitness and Swimming Activities for All Ages

116 fitness and swimming activities for all ages

Author: Terri Lees

$13.48 CAD $27.95 CAD

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$13.48 CAD

ISBN: 9780736063784


Page Count: 192

Swimming participation in the United States rose to 58 million in 2005, according to the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association. A popular activity for both fun and fitness, swimming is now easier to learn, enjoy, and use as exercise with Water Fun. Including more than 100 stunts, skills, games, and workouts that may be tailored to meet specific needs, this book has something for every age and skill level.

To help beginners gain confidence in the water, basic water exercises that may be performed in a vertical position are provided, along with workout options that do not require participants to be fully submerged in the water. Water Fun also includes activities for exercisers who want to transition from water exercise to swimming. Athletes, along with instructors, coaches, and athletic trainers, will also find sport-specific and cross-training activities to enhance their conditioning regimens.

With a complete collection of individual and group activities that require little, if any, equipment, Water Fun has everything water exercisers need to become more comfortable and skilled in the water.

Activity Finder

Chapter 1. Introduction to Water Fitness and Swimming
Why Water Works
Swimming: A Life Skill

Chapter 2. Activity Selection and Modifications
Testing for Readiness
Using the Fitness Activity Finder
Adapting Games and Stunts for Individual Needs
Using Equipment to Enhance Play

Chapter 3. Aquatic Program Safety
Facility Safety
Program Safety
Participant Personal Safety
Instructor Safety

Chapter 4. Water Fitness Activities and Workouts
Effective Water Use
Arm Works
Aqua Basics
Sport Aqua
Kickboxing Basics
Workout Design

Chapter 5. Water Games and Relays
Individual and Partner Stunts
Tag Games
Individual and Team Events
Sample Games Workout

Chapter 6. Swimming Activities and Games
Assessing Readiness
Using the Swim Activity Finder
Water Adjustment and Warm-Up Activities
Stunts and Skills
Swimming Games
Fitness Swimming

Appendix A Equipment for Water Fun and Safety
Appendix B Aquatic Equipment Supplies
Appendix C Associations Serving Aquatic Safety and Aquatic Exercise
Appendix D Skills Assessment Grid
About the Author

Terri Lees has been teaching aquatic activities and coaching swimming for more than 30 years. She taught and coached high school swimming for 12 years and spent 13 years at Wichita State University as the aquatic coordinator for campus recreation, where she taught and created aquatic programs for students and instructors.

Lees has been a contributor to the American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor and Swimming and Diving texts and served as an on-camera host for the Aqua Fitness video. She is currently the chair-elect for the Council for Aquatic Professionals of AAHPERD and has presented at numerous state, district, and national conventions. Lees also serves as the chair for the development committee of the aquatic fitness instructor credential. She is a master teacher of adapted aquatics and a master instructor of aquatic fitness for the AAHPERD Council for Aquatic Professionals.

Lees is the aquatic supervisor at North Kansas City Community Center in North Kansas City, Missouri. She is personally involved as a competitive swimmer and is coaching a 50+ age-group team at the community center. She has designed and created all of the water exercise programs for the center and provides personal training in the water for people with disabilities.

“...this work is much more than simply a book full of various drills, activities, and games. I think that many aquatic practitioners, both novices and experienced instructors, will want to add this text to their professional libraries.”

International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education (May 2007)

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Keiko Murakami

Water Fun