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Walking Solution Online CE Exam With Ebook, The

$96.95 CAD

Online Exam With Ebook
$96.95 CAD
Online Exam With Print Book
$124.95 CAD

Online Exam Without Book
$82.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718227842


Approved Credits:

ACE 0.80AEA 8.00AFPA 8.00BCRPA 8.25canfitpro 4.00CCHPBC-MT 1.00CFES 8.00CKA 8.00Contact Hours 8.00COPSKT 0.80CPTN 7.00CSEP 5.00FNB 8.00ISSA 8.00MTAS 3.00NASN 0.80NCHEC 8.00NCSF 4.00NETA 8.00NFPT 1.60NSCA 0.60NSPA 8.00OFC 8.00SKESA 8.00SPRA 8.00
This package includes the following:
  • The Walking Solution ebook
  • Online continuing education exam
The Walking Solution will help you create innovative programs to engage individuals across the fitness spectrum. Introduce a program for inactive individuals to get moving, or challenge experienced clients with a new cross-training activity. Learn the techniques and coaching cues to turn a low-impact, easily accessible activity into a fun and challenging workout for clients of every age and ability.

In The Walking Solution, you will discover the four progressions of walking technique, how to increase intensity, and how to incorporate strength-building exercises to get the most out of every walk. Clear instructions and photos show dynamic and static stretches that help to ensure safety and improve performance. Case studies describe unique and successful walking programs that you can customize for your own clients. You will learn the key business strategies that allow you to increase revenue and reach new audiences to expand your clientele. You will also get access to customizable business development resources such as waivers and marketing plans.

After reading the ebook, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Describe an individual’s walking gait.
  • Explain the biomechanical differences between walking and running.
  • Demonstrate good walking posture and techniques.
  • Identify factors that may interfere with proper gait.
  • Demonstrate ways to increase walking intensity.
  • Coach proper technique to increase speed while reducing risk of injury.
  • Implement creativity through the use of interval training and unique programming.
  • Apply proper warm-up and cool-down techniques to improve joint mobility and walking performance.
  • Cue stretching and strength training exercises specific to walking.
  • Identify ways to overcome barriers such as inclement weather and shoe discomfort.
  • Design programs that will ensure walker success regardless of client health history or current medical conditions.
  • Prepare promotional content to deliver via social media and traditional marketing methods.
  • Establish and manage the growth of your business as a walking coach.


Personal trainers, group exercise instructors, and other certified fitness professionals.

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