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Teaching With Movies

$36.95 CAD

$36.95 CAD

ISBN: 9780736065085


Page Count: 176

Teaching With Movies: Recreation, Sports, Tourism, and Physical Education shows you how to use 77 popular culture and documentary films as effective teaching tools in recreation, leisure, tourism, sport management, and physical education courses.

Through this all-in-one resource, you will learn how to use films to help students retain important course concepts and how this medium can support learning on a particular topic or extend or reemphasize classroom learning.

The authors explain how to use films for students with any learning style, and they include these features:
  • 19 core concepts, such as environmental issues, leadership, diversity, and commercial recreation, so you can easily find movies that reinforce specific themes
  • Guidance in preparing for, teaching, and evaluating movies in your classroom
  • A strong foundation for justifying the use of movies as educational tools
  • Tools for effectively teaching each movie, including framing methods, discussion questions, and debriefing activities for further exploration of recreation-related concepts

Teaching With Movies supplies you with a clear, simple template covering the important information for each movie at a glance, and it includes easy-to-implement guides for each film. A movie finder, which lists all the films in the book and shows which themes are covered by each film, will help you consider what movies are relevant to your class and the topics you are teaching. Movies are categorized by topic into recreation, leisure, tourism, sport management, and physical education curricula. In addition, for each film the authors provide guidance on framing the movie for your students, discussion and reflection questions, other learning activities, and evaluation tools for the experience.

For the bulk of the movies included in this guide, recreation instructors who have used the films in their classes were surveyed about each movie’s topics and relevance to courses, its important scenes, and its relationship to recreation, leisure, tourism, sport management undergraduate and graduate courses, and high school and university physical education courses. All of the movies featured in this book can be found at most neighborhood video rental stores or in your university library.

Teaching With Movies will help you engage students, vary your teaching methods, and teach important concepts—through movies!


Resource for recreation, leisure, tourism, and sport management professors. Also a resource for recreation leaders in youth and adult settings and for high school teachers in physical education.

Movie Finder
Introduction: Movies as Teaching Tools
Now Playing
13 Going on 30
50 First Dates
About Schmidt
Bad News Bears, The
Beach, The
Bend It Like Beckham
Billy Elliot
Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius
Born Into Brothels
Breaking Away
Coach Carter
Cutting Edge, The
Day After Tomorrow, The
Dirty Dancing
Dream Team, The
Eight Below
Endurance, The: Shackleton’s Legendary Antarctic Expedition
Failure to Launch
Fever Pitch
For Love of the Game
Four Minutes
Friday Night Lights
Gentleman’s Game, A
Glory Road
Gods Must Be Crazy, The
Greatest Game Ever Played, The
Hotel Rwanda
Hudsucker Proxy, The
Hurricane, The
Ice Castles
Inconvenient Truth, An
Keep Your Eyes Open
League of Their Own, A
Lorax, The
Mad Hot Ballroom
Milagro Beanfield War, The
Million Dollar Baby
Motorcycle Diaries, The
Moulin Rouge
Mr. Miami Beach: The Remarkable Story of Carl Fisher
My Left Foot
Mystery, Alaska
Patch Adams
Project Grizzly
Remember the Titans
Ringer, The
River Runs Through It, A
Roger & Me
Rookie, The
Saint Ralph
Sandlot, The
Save the Last Dance
Searching for Bobby Fischer
Shall We Dance?
Shot at Glory, A
Steel Magnolias
Super Size Me
Take the Lead
Touching the Void
We Are Marshall
Young and the Dead, The

Conclusion: That’s a Wrap!
About the Authors

Teresa O'Bannon, PhD, is an assistant professor in the department of recreation, parks and tourism at Radford University in Radford, Virginia. An avid movie buff since seeing Jaws as a child, she has been teaching and working in the field of recreation, parks, and tourism for over 15 years. In her spare time, Dr. O'Bannon likes—what else?—watching movies and television shows, reading current-event magazines, and—despite what she saw in Jaws—snorkeling.

Click here to visit the Dr. O'Bannon's Web page, where you can participate in an ongoing discussion about using movies as teaching tools in recreation education.

Marni Goldenberg, PhD, is an assistant professor in the recreation, parks, and tourism administration program at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. She has been teaching full time at Cal Poly since 2003. Dr. Goldenberg uses movies in her classroom as a teaching tool and frequently relates the topics of the course to popular culture movies. She received her PhD from the University of Minnesota in 2002. Dr. Goldenberg has researched and presented on the use of movies as educational tools. In her leisure time, she enjoys hiking, mountain biking, climbing, running with her dog, and being outdoors.