Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility through Physical Activity 4th Edition With HKPropel Access
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$79.95 CAD Ebook
$61.95 CAD
Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Through Physical Activity now enters its fourth edition, continuing the legacy of Don Hellison and his teaching personal and social responsibility (TPSR) model. This text is the only comprehensive resource covering the TPSR model through physical activity. With more than 50 years of use in gyms, playing fields, and classrooms, the TPSR model has withstood the test of time and continues to be used to teach transferable life skills to kids from all backgrounds to support positive social change.
Building on the foundation of research from the first three editions, this updated text connects TPSR to the recent emphasis on mental health, social and emotional learning (SEL), and trauma-informed practices. It also provides direction to teach affective and social goals, giving an in-depth look into teaching character development and values to help students develop personal and social responsibility.
Designed to enhance reader comprehension, Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Through Physical Activity, Fourth Edition, is a practical resource with proven and easy-to-implement ideas to support student growth in school, after school, and in alternative settings. Special features include these:
Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all print books.
Building on the foundation of research from the first three editions, this updated text connects TPSR to the recent emphasis on mental health, social and emotional learning (SEL), and trauma-informed practices. It also provides direction to teach affective and social goals, giving an in-depth look into teaching character development and values to help students develop personal and social responsibility.
Designed to enhance reader comprehension, Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Through Physical Activity, Fourth Edition, is a practical resource with proven and easy-to-implement ideas to support student growth in school, after school, and in alternative settings. Special features include these:
- TPSR in Action: sidebars written by world-wide practitioners that highlight the creativity and innovation of TPSR through programs and projects across cultural and linguistic borders
- Is It Working?: examples of the cutting-edge research that supports TPSR
- Kid Quotes: quotes from kids in TPSR programs as well as quotes from teachers and coaches
- Takeaways: summary points in every chapter
- Robust appendixes: samples of TPSR lesson plans, a TPSR implementation checklist, a kinesiology career club workbook, a post-teaching reflection, and a TPSR feedback form
- Online resources: forms, unit and lesson plans, and learner assessments from the book that can be easily downloaded and used
Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all print books.
Text for college courses on PE teaching methods, developing PE curriculums, class management, behavior management, and teaching responsibility. Resource for K-12 PE teachers, classroom teachers, community-based youth workers, administrators, and coaches who inspire to build character. Part I. Ideas
Chapter 1. A Brief History of TPSR
How It All Got Started
Evolution of the Model Itself
Apples Don’t Fall Far From The Tree
Not in the Margins Anymore
Final Thoughts
Chapter 2. What’s Worth Doing?
What’s Worth Doing for PE and PA Professionals?
Other Important Questions
Social Inequities and Trends
Our Commitments
Final Thoughts
Chapter 3. A Framework for Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility
Core Values
Levels of Responsibility
Program Leader Responsibilities
Gradual Empowerment (Shifting Responsibility to the Kids)
Relationship With Kids
Daily Program Format
Final Thoughts
Chapter 4. Being Relational With Kids
Four Relational Qualities of TPSR Programming
Having the Courage to Confront
Relational Qualities and Relational Time
Program Leader Qualities and Skills
Kids and Their World
Final Thoughts
Part II. Strategies
Chapter 5. Levels of Responsibility
Progression of Levels
Cumulative Levels
Five Levels
Level Modifications
Levels and Empowerment
Final Thoughts
Chapter 6. Daily Program Format
Relational Time
Awareness Talk
Physical Activity Plan
Group Meeting
Reflection Time
Final Thoughts
Chapter 7. Embedding Responsibility in the Physical Activity Content
Physical Activity Content
Strategy Progression
Level I Strategies
Level II Strategies
Level III Strategies
Level IV Strategies
Level V Strategies
Final Thoughts
Chapter 8. Strategies for Specific Problems and Situations
Expanding Your Bag of Tricks
Level I: Individual Discipline Problems
Level I: Conflict Resolution Strategies
Level II: Teaching by Invitation
Level III: Struggles With Empowerment
Level IV: Helping and Leadership Problems
Level V: Specific Problems Outside the Gym
Final Thoughts
Part III. Implementation
Chapter 9. Coaching Clubs and Other TPSR Program Structures
Coaching Clubs
Cross-Age Teaching and Leadership
TPSR in Organized Sport
Responsibility-Based Fitness Centers
TPSR on the Playground and at Recess
TPSR in the Classroom
Schoolwide Adoptions of TPSR
Final Thoughts
Chapter 10. TPSR in PE Teacher and Coach Education
Teacher Education Approaches for Learning TPSR
Principles of Practice
Training Teachers and Coaches on TPSR Through Developmental Stages
Final Thoughts
Chapter 11. Assessment and Evaluation Strategies
Student Assessment
Teacher Evaluation
Program Evaluation
Final Thoughts
Chapter 12. Getting Started
First Steps
Advanced Steps
Some Examples of Getting Started
Teaching as a Subversive Activity
Final Thoughts
Appendix A: Sample TPSR Lesson Plans
Appendix B: TPSR Implementation Checklist
Appendix C: Kinesiology Career Club Workbook
Appendix D: Tool for Assessing Responsibility-Based Education (TARE) Post-Teaching Reflection Form
Appendix D: TPSR Feedback Form
Chapter 1. A Brief History of TPSR
How It All Got Started
Evolution of the Model Itself
Apples Don’t Fall Far From The Tree
Not in the Margins Anymore
Final Thoughts
Chapter 2. What’s Worth Doing?
What’s Worth Doing for PE and PA Professionals?
Other Important Questions
Social Inequities and Trends
Our Commitments
Final Thoughts
Chapter 3. A Framework for Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility
Core Values
Levels of Responsibility
Program Leader Responsibilities
Gradual Empowerment (Shifting Responsibility to the Kids)
Relationship With Kids
Daily Program Format
Final Thoughts
Chapter 4. Being Relational With Kids
Four Relational Qualities of TPSR Programming
Having the Courage to Confront
Relational Qualities and Relational Time
Program Leader Qualities and Skills
Kids and Their World
Final Thoughts
Part II. Strategies
Chapter 5. Levels of Responsibility
Progression of Levels
Cumulative Levels
Five Levels
Level Modifications
Levels and Empowerment
Final Thoughts
Chapter 6. Daily Program Format
Relational Time
Awareness Talk
Physical Activity Plan
Group Meeting
Reflection Time
Final Thoughts
Chapter 7. Embedding Responsibility in the Physical Activity Content
Physical Activity Content
Strategy Progression
Level I Strategies
Level II Strategies
Level III Strategies
Level IV Strategies
Level V Strategies
Final Thoughts
Chapter 8. Strategies for Specific Problems and Situations
Expanding Your Bag of Tricks
Level I: Individual Discipline Problems
Level I: Conflict Resolution Strategies
Level II: Teaching by Invitation
Level III: Struggles With Empowerment
Level IV: Helping and Leadership Problems
Level V: Specific Problems Outside the Gym
Final Thoughts
Part III. Implementation
Chapter 9. Coaching Clubs and Other TPSR Program Structures
Coaching Clubs
Cross-Age Teaching and Leadership
TPSR in Organized Sport
Responsibility-Based Fitness Centers
TPSR on the Playground and at Recess
TPSR in the Classroom
Schoolwide Adoptions of TPSR
Final Thoughts
Chapter 10. TPSR in PE Teacher and Coach Education
Teacher Education Approaches for Learning TPSR
Principles of Practice
Training Teachers and Coaches on TPSR Through Developmental Stages
Final Thoughts
Chapter 11. Assessment and Evaluation Strategies
Student Assessment
Teacher Evaluation
Program Evaluation
Final Thoughts
Chapter 12. Getting Started
First Steps
Advanced Steps
Some Examples of Getting Started
Teaching as a Subversive Activity
Final Thoughts
Appendix A: Sample TPSR Lesson Plans
Appendix B: TPSR Implementation Checklist
Appendix C: Kinesiology Career Club Workbook
Appendix D: Tool for Assessing Responsibility-Based Education (TARE) Post-Teaching Reflection Form
Appendix D: TPSR Feedback Form