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Teaching Disability Sport-2nd Edition

A Guide for Physical Educators

Author: Ronald Davis

$41.48 CAD $82.95 CAD

$41.48 CAD

ISBN: 9780736082587


Page Count: 280

This new edition of Teaching Disability Sport: A Guide for Physical Educators is loaded with five new chapters, more than 200 games and skills, and everything that future and current teachers need to plan and implement sport skill-related lessons in an inclusive physical education program.

Published in its first edition as Inclusion Through Sports, this rendition places greater emphasis on preparing future physical education teachers to use disability sport in their programs. It offers instruction on the various aspects of disability sport, how to teach it, and how to improve programming for students, regardless of ability or disability.

This new edition includes the following features:

• A DVD that contains video clips of activities as well as assessment forms and other reproducible forms

• Templates for and guidance in creating individualized education programs (IEPs), lesson plans, assessments, and unit plans

• One new sport chapter (on boccia)

• Four new chapters discussing how to use the achievement-based curriculum (ABC) model to integrate disability sport into physical education classes

This book and DVD package is the ideal resource for physical education teachers who want to incorporate inclusive sport skill instruction through sports traditionally identified with disability sport programs. The sports featured in this book are wheelchair basketball, wheelchair indoor soccer, sitting volleyball, wheelchair tennis, goalball, slalom, and boccia. The games are organized by skill, so teachers can select games based on the skills they want to teach. The skills for each sport are task analyzed to help teachers address the needs of students with disabilities. Teachers will learn how to make psychomotor modifications to games to include students with and without disabilities; teachers will also learn how to involve all students in making decisions about the modifications.

The book’s ABC model guides readers through the stages of program planning, implementation planning, teaching, assessment, and evaluating. Readers are also shown how to use IEPs and develop goals and objectives for lesson plans.

In addition, Teaching Disability Sport provides instruction on wheelchair selection and fitting, equipment concerns, and Web addresses for adapted sports and activities. And an inclusion index makes selecting the right sports and games easy.

The 200+ games and activities are cross-referenced to functional profiles (low, medium, high) of students with disabilities. Teachers have the choice of which disability sports to implement and to what level. With Teaching DisabilitySport, kids both with and without disabilities win!


Reference for adapted physical education teachers and disability sport coaches. Text for PE teacher prep programs and adapted physical education courses.

Part I: Program Planning

Chapter 1. ABC Curriculum Model Overview

Program Planning


Implementation Planning




Chapter 2. Assessment

Educational Placement Decisions

Categories of Assessments

Creating Your Own Assessment Using This Text

Writing the IEP (Prescription) and Beginning Implementation Planning


Chapter 3. Implementation Planning, Teaching, and Evaluating

Implementation Planning

Teaching: Writing Lesson Plans


Modifications and Environmental Interactions


Chapter 4. Implementing Disability Sport

ABC Model: Program Planning Using the Inclusion Index


Part II: Disability Sports, Skills, and Activities

Chapter 5. Wheelchair Basics

Forward Propulsion

Stopping the Wheelchair

Backward Propulsion

Stationary Pivot (Spin)

Moving Pivot (Spin)

Social Acceptance


Chapter 6. Wheelchair Basketball

Description of the Sport

Skills to Be Taught

Functional Profiles and General Modifications

Game Progressions

Games-by-Skill-Level Index: Low-Functioning Students

Game Descriptions

Games-by-Skill-Level Index: Moderate- to High-Functioning Students

Game Descriptions

Chapter 7. Indoor Wheelchair Soccer

Description of the Sport

Skills to Be Taught

Functional Profiles and General Modifications

Game Progressions

Games-by-Skill-Level Index: Low-Functioning Students

Game Descriptions

Games-by-Skill-Level Index: Moderate- to High-Functioning Students

Game Descriptions

Chapter 8. Sitting Volleyball

Description of the Sport

Skills to Be Taught

Functional Profiles and General Modifications

Game Progressions

Games-by-Skill-Level Index: Low-Functioning Students

Game Descriptions

Games-by-Skill-Level Index: Moderate- to High-Functioning Students

Game Descriptions

Chapter 9. Wheelchair Tennis

Description of the Sport

Skills to Be Taught

Functional Profiles and General Modifications

Game Progressions

Games-by-Skill-Level Index: Low-Functioning Students

Game Descriptions

Games-by-Skill-Level Index: Moderate- to High-Functioning Students

Game Descriptions

Chapter 10. Goalball

Description of the Sport

Skills to Be Taught

Functional Profiles and General Modifications

Game Progressions

Games-by-Skill-Level Index: Low-Functioning Students

Game Descriptions

Games-by-Skill-Level Index: Moderate- to High-Functioning Students

Game Descriptions

Chapter 11. Slalom

Description of the Sport

Skills to Be Taught

Functional Profiles and General Modifications

Game Progressions

Games-by-Skill-Level Index

Game Descriptions

Chapter 12. Boccia

Description of the Sport

Skills to Be Taught

Functional Profiles and General Modifications

Game Progressions

Games-by-Skill-Level Index: Low-Functioning Students

Game Descriptions

Games-by-Skill-Level Index: Moderate- to High-Functioning Students

Game Descriptions

Ronald W. Davis, PhD, is a professor of adapted physical education in the department of kinesiology at Texas Women’s University. He has almost 30 years of experience in higher education promoting professional development and advocating for people with disabilities. A former disability sport coach and referee, Davis was director of athlete classification for the 1996 Atlanta Paralympics. He has also served as project director for professional preparation training grants from the U.S. Department of Education, Division of Special Education (for students studying adapted physical education).

Davis has published extensively both nationally and internationally on injuries to elite athletes with disabilities, legal mandates for those with disabilities, training for people with disabilities, and related topics. He has been president of the National Consortium for Physical Education and Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPERID) and a member of the editorial board for the Journal for Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. He enjoys biking and spending time with his family.

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