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Survive and Thrive as a Physical Educator

Strategies for the First Year and Beyond

Author: Alisa James

$14.99 CAD $40.95 CAD

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$14.99 CAD

ISBN: 9781450411998


Page Count: 224

Stay energized and organized throughout your school year! Survive and Thrive as a Physical Educator: Strategies for the First Year and Beyond will help you face the unique challenges of teaching and support your development as a physical educator. Practical and reader friendly, Survive and Thrive as a Physical Educator is filled with the most current information plus examples based on the author's experiences as both a K-12 teacher and a college instructor who prepares future teachers. You'll also find a wealth of information on handling day-to-day issues, such as adapting to the work environment, understanding the school culture, communicating with parents, and behavior management.

In addition, sample letters and forms included in the book, such as a typical letter to parents, unit plan, and PE contract, offer models to use in creating your own. Two appendixes provide quick access to suggested teacher resources and FAQs, such as how to prepare for a substitute teacher and concerns about the tenure process.

Survive and Thrive as a Physical Educator offers strategies to help you

• get your gymnasium, your equipment, and yourself organized to begin the school year;

• prepare your lessons and unit plans and deliver effective instruction for all students;

• evaluate students’ progress;

• establish rules and routines to promote good behavior and appropriate consequences for misbehavior;

• employ a range of motivational techniques to encourage participation in your class;

• develop positive relationships and effective communication with parents and guardians;

• understand and navigate your workplace culture; and

• avoid burnout and find opportunities for professional growth.

This practical guide will help you sharpen your teaching skills, enjoy your work with students, and meet the challenges of teaching, whether it is your first year on the job or one of many in your physical education career.


Resource for K-12 student teachers and novice physical education teachers. Required or recommended text for PETE students within methods courses or preparing for their student teaching experience.

Part I. Skills to Help You Survive

Chapter 1. Your First Job as a Physical Educator—Now What?

Chapter 2. Ready, Set, Go! Starting the School Year Right

Chapter 3. Preparing Unit and Lesson Plans

Chapter 4. Student Assessment and Evaluation

Chapter 5. Classroom and Behavior Management

Part II. Skills to Help You Thrive

Chapter 6. Motivating Students

Chapter 7. Diversity in Physical Education

Chapter 8. Navigating the School as a Workplace

Chapter 9. Developing Relationships With Parents

Chapter 10. Professional Development

Alisa R. James, EdD, is an associate professor at the College at Brockport, State University of New York. Before entering higher education, James spent 8 years teaching elementary and high school physical education. She has been working in physical education teacher education since 2002.

James is a member of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD); the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) Research Consortium; and New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (NYSAHPERD). She also served on the executive council of NYSAHPERD for seven years. In 2011, James received the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and was nominated for the U.S. Professor of the Year Award at the College of Brockport. She was also named Professional of the Year by NYSAHPERD in 2011.

In her free time, James enjoys playing racquetball, camping, and reading. She lives in Brockport, New York.