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Strength Zone Training Online CE Exam With Ebook

$97.95 CAD

Online Exam With Ebook
$97.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718225831


Approved Credits:

This package includes the following:
  • Strength Zone Training ebook
  • Online continuing education exam
In Strength Zone Training, renowned personal trainer Nick Tumminello, who has become known as the trainer of trainers, shows you the following:
  • How to build strength through working a muscle's true full range of motion
  • The redundant exercises your clients just don’t need to do
  • The exercises to maximize upper body and lower body strength that are missing from most workouts
  • The angles most people don’t do exercises for but should
  • The best exercises to include in programs to train each muscle group
  • A better strategy to follow when choosing exercises
  • Beginner and advanced workout plans for any schedule
You’ll find exercises addressing every area of the body, with details on how to perform the exercise as well as coaching tips. Select exercises are depicted with a hybrid of photo and art highlighting the movements, or zones, that provide a training stimulus. You will learn how to combine exercises within a workout in a smarter and more strategic way to collectively train through a full range of motion—resulting in not just an improvement in physique but also an improvement in performance and a reduction in injury risk.

In addition to the exercises, you’ll find four chapters of easy-to-follow workout plans you can immediately use for your clients, regardless of their training level or weekly schedule. After reading the ebook, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Define range of motion training and assess the benefits of working through the muscle’s true full range of motion.
  • Identify and apply the rules for training through the true full range of motion.
  • Recognize each strength zone category and identify exercises for each respective category.
  • Evaluate the beginner’s program and explain how the three phases differ from one another.
  • Evaluate and explain the differences between programs that require two to six workouts per week.
  • Identify the most effective muscle-building strategies.


Personal trainers, strength and conditioning professionals, and other certified fitness professionals.
Guide to Muscles

Chapter 1. You Don’t Know What True Full Range of Motion Means
Chapter 2. The New Rules of Full Range of Motion
Chapter 3. The Best Chest Exercises
Chapter 4. The Best Lats Exercises
Chapter 5. The Best Shoulder Exercises
Chapter 6. The Best Trap Exercises
Chapter 7. The Best Biceps Exercises
Chapter 8. The Best Triceps Exercises
Chapter 9. The Best Hamstrings Exercises
Chapter 10. The Best Quadriceps Exercises
Chapter 11. The Best Glute and Hip Exercises
Chapter 12. The Best Calf Exercises
Chapter 13. The Best Core Exercises
Chapter 14. Beginner Workout Program
Chapter 15. Programs for Two or Three Workouts per Week
Chapter 16. Programs for Four Workouts per Week
Chapter 17. Programs for Five or Six Workouts per Week
Chapter 18. The Most Effective Muscle-Building Strategies
Nick Tumminello is an internationally recognized fitness professional with over 20 years of industry experience. He is the inventor of the NT Loop (, which is a world-class resistance band.

With over 20 years of hands-on experience, Nick has trained thousands of clients, including professional NFL players, figure and bodybuilding athletes, and plenty of ordinary people. Still coaching clients today, Nick understands the challenges that everyday athletes and active adults face.

Tumminello has been a fitness professional since 1998 and co-owned a private training center in Baltimore, Maryland, from 2001 to 2011. He has worked with a variety of exercise enthusiasts of all ages and fitness levels, including physique and performance athletes from the amateur level to the professional ranks. From 2002 to 2011, Tumminello was the strength and conditioning coach for the Ground Control MMA team. He has been a consultant and expert for clothing and equipment companies such as Sorinex, Dynamax, Hylete, Reebok, and Power Systems.

Nick has authored three best-selling books: Strength Training for Fat Loss, Building Muscle and Performance, and Your Workout PERFECTED. He has been featured in two exercise books on the New York Times best seller list, on the home page of Yahoo! and YouTube, and in the ACE Personal Trainer Manual. In 2015 Tumminello was inducted into the Personal Trainer Hall of Fame. Nick was the 2016 NSCA Personal Trainer of the Year, and he is the editor in chief of the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s Personal Training Quarterly journal.

From massive industry conferences to private team development events, Nick has racked up hundreds of speaking engagements all over the world. He is passionate about bringing the best fitness and performance information to trainers, athletes, and active adults in the most practical way possible.

When the best coaches and organizations in the fitness industry want proven, research-backed information, Nick is their trusted resource.

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