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Strength Training for the Arms Poster

$13.95 CAD

$13.95 CAD

ISBN: 9780736059336

Using the same masterful anatomical artwork that is featured in the Strength Training Anatomy and Women's Strength Training Anatomy books, the Strength Training Anatomy poster series consists of seven full-color posters that fully illustrate every major muscle group.

This region-specific poster, the Arms Poster, presents nine exercise illustrations.

-Alternate curls

-Hammer curls

-Preacher curls

-Underhand barbell curls

-Standing one-arm dumbbell triceps extension

-Triceps extensions on a bench

-Overhand push-downs

-Reverse curls

-Wrist curls
Each illustration depicts the anatomy in action, including musculoskeletal attachments and how exercise variations target specific muscles. This poster serves as a blueprint for maximizing the benefits of every arm workout.

Individual poster size: 24” x 31” (60 x 80 cm).

The former editor in chief of the French magazine PowerMag, Frï¿œdï¿œric Delavier is currently a journalist for the French magazine Le Monde du Muscle and a contributor to several other muscle publications, including Men's Health Germany. He is the author of the bestselling Strength Training Anatomy and Women's Strength Training Anatomy, which have sold a combined over 640,000 copies in the United States and have been translated into 15 languages.

Delavier is a gifted artist with an exceptional knowledge of human anatomy. He studied morphology and anatomy for five years at the prestigious Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris and studied dissection for three years at the Paris Facultᅵ de Mᅵdicine.

Delavier won the French powerlifting title in 1988 and makes annual presentations on the sports applications of biomechanics at conferences in Switzerland. His teaching efforts have earned him the Grand Prix de Techniques et de Pï¿œdagogie Sportive.

Delavier lives in Paris, France.