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Strength Training for All Body Types Online CE Exam Without Book

$96.95 CAD

Online Exam Without Book
$96.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718216891


Approved Credits:

NOTE: The book Strength Training for All Body Types is required for successful completion of this exam but is not included with this purchase. Purchase this Online CE Exam Without Book only if you already own the book or ebook.

Consisting of 75 multiple-choice and true-false questions, this continuing education exam is designed to be taken after reading Strength Training for All Body Types. The exam will test your knowledge of the information presented in the book, so you can understand how to modify programs for clients with different body types.

Once you pass the exam, you can print a certificate for continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Explain the importance of the 11 components of fitness.
  • Identify common variations in skeletal anatomy.
  • Describe the starting position for the most common movement patterns.
  • Explain the relationship between levers and forces.
  • Cue the proper setup and performance technique for the deadlift exercise.
  • Analyze and correct appropriate squat technique based on body size.
  • List the bench press variations that assist clients with long arms.
  • Select overhead pressing movements that target a lifter’s weak points.
  • Modify the chin-up based on arm length.
  • Determine rowing variations that are most beneficial for different body types.
  • Design effective abdominal exercise routines.
  • Choose the best accessory exercises to complement the primary exercises.
  • Use your understanding of conditioning methods to determine when to implement each method.
  • Consider the proper sequence for a workout based on a client’s body type.


Personal trainers and strength and conditioning specialists and coaches.
Lee Boyce made the early decision to pursue fitness training as a career while he was still doing his university studies, and he never looked back. He is a strength coach and educator based in Toronto, Canada. He has been helping clients and athletes with strength and conditioning, sport performance, and hypertrophy since 2007. He has developed international recognition as a trainer and as a prolific fitness writer. His expertise has seen him published over 1,200 times by some of the largest publications in the world of fitness and lifestyle media, including Men's Health, Oxygen, Train Magazine, Inside Fitness, Shape, Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, Men's Journal, Esquire, Strong Fitness Magazine, and the National Strength and Conditioning Association's Personal Training Quarterly. Lee’s first contribution to a full book came in 2013 with his inclusion in Men’s Fitness Exercise Bible: 101 Best Workouts of All Time, which became an Amazon best seller.

A former national-level university track athlete (sprint and long jump) and kinesiology major, Boyce credits this blend of theoretical and practical experience with his depth of understanding of the human body and biomechanics and his ability to simplify concepts that can be difficult for people to grasp. As a public speaker, Boyce uses his skills to deliver lectures, workshops, and seminars around North America and abroad, sharing innovative troubleshooting guidelines and unique perspectives for trainers looking to improve professionally. As a part-time college professor at Toronto's Humber College, he encourages critical thinking and a departure from the confines of one-size-fits-all, rule-based exercise science advice. It’s this type of thinking that developed his passion for speaking and writing about anthropometry and body types as they pertain to resistance training.

Outside of coaching, speaking, writing, and training himself, Lee makes sure he keeps current with his favorite hobby of all time: movies. A book on Lee’s favorite films would likely be twice the length of this one.

Melody Schoenfeld, MA, CSCS, has well over 27 years of personal training experience and was named National Strength and Conditioning Association’s 2019 Personal Trainer of the Year. She is the owner of Flawless Fitness, a small personal training studio located in Pasadena, California. Melody holds a master's degree in health psychology. She has held state and national records in all three lifts in powerlifting (squat, bench press, and deadlift). She competes in strongman, grip sport, and mas wrestling events, and she performs old-time strongman feats of strength such as tearing phone books and bending steel bars.

Her expertise in health and fitness has been featured on numerous television programs throughout the United States, and she has been published and quoted in popular media such as Shape, Oxygen, Breaking Muscle, Girls Gone Strong, My Fitness Pal, Men's Fitness, and Men’s Health. Melody has several articles published by the Strength and Conditioning Journal. She is the author of Pleasure Not Meating You: A Science-Based Approach to the Vegan Lifestyle (And Some Recipes, Too) and Diet Lies and Weight Loss Truths. Melody speaks nationally and internationally on a wide variety of fitness and nutrition topics. In her spare time, Melody can also be found as the front woman of a number of music groups (mainly heavy metal). When she’s not doing all that, she’s probably petting a dog somewhere.

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