Strategies for Inclusion With Web Resource 3rd Edition
Physical Education for Everyone
$39.00 CAD
Lots of New Resources and Material
The latest edition of this popular adapted physical education text will empower you with the information and tools necessary to successfully include students with disabilities in your program. Strategies for Inclusion reflects the latest research and legislation, so you can be sure that your program is not only successful but also compliant with the goals and requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act.
The text has retained and updated its instruction on assessing students, making placement decisions, developing and implementing individualized education plans (IEPs), and more. And it offers this completely new material:
- A new chapter on the referral, eligibility, and placement process, covering the nine steps required by law
- A new chapter on transition planning and how you can help students integrate into their communities after leaving school
- A new section on Paralympic sports and how they can be infused into your curriculum
- New material on functional behavioral assessments, behavior intervention plans, leadership opportunities, training techniques for peer tutors and paraeducators, and more
- A new inclusion rating scale that will help you rate how inclusive your classes are and show you areas for improvement
- A new web resource with numerous useful tools
- More than double the number of teaching units (38 units, up from 17), giving you more options for inclusion
Book Organization and Content
The text is split into two parts. Part I provides foundational information and a roadmap for how to successfully include children with disabilities in traditional PE settings. Topics in this part include legislative issues, roles and responsibilities of the teacher, effective assessment techniques, the eight-step placement process, and the teacher’s role in the IEP process. Part I also explores how to manage student behavior, make adaptations to promote universal design for learning, work with support personnel, and plan for transition.
Part II offers 38 teachable units—a sizable leap from the previous edition’s 17—complete with assessment tools for curriculum planning. Here you will learn specific strategies for inclusion as you use a step-by-step implementation guide for 14 elementary units, 11 sport units, 8 recreation units, and 5 fitness units—all with potential modifications. Adaptations are categorized by environment, equipment, instruction, and rules.
Each unit’s assessment rubric has quantitative and qualitative measures of skill level. And you’ll find ideas in each unit on how to incorporate IEP objectives that may not be part of the general PE class objectives.
A Complete Resource for Inclusion
Strategies for Inclusion offers you the most up-to-date and useful strategies to include children with disabilities in your physical education activities. Its practical applications and easy-to-implement planning and assessment strategies make this a complete resource that you can use to empower all students with the knowledge that they can enjoy the full range of benefits that physical activity offers.
Text for undergraduate students in physical education and adapted physical education courses. Program planning and implementation guide for K-12 teachers and recreation staff.
Part I: Understanding Inclusion
Chapter 1: Inclusion in Physical Education
Legislative Mandates: A Historical Perspective
Placement Options in Physical Education
Roles and Responsibilities of General Physical Education Teachers
Roles and Responsibilities of Adapted Physical Education Specialists
Effectiveness of Inclusion
Chapter 2: Assessment: The Cornerstone of Effective Instruction
Features of Effective Assessment
Traditional Assessment Techniques
Authentic Assessment
Alternative Assessment
Chapter 3: The Placement Process in Physical Education
Physical Education Placement Challenges
Special Education Process
Assessing the Placement
The Lieberman/Brian Inclusion Rating Scale (LIRSPE)
Chapter 4: Individualized Education Plans
The IEP Process
The Role of Assessment in IEPs
Components of the IEP
Electronically Generated IEPs
Physical Educator’s Role in the IEP Process
Incorporating Goals and Objectives Into the General Physical Education Class
Chapter 5: Managing Student Behavior
Strategies to Avoid Behavior Problems
Understanding the Purpose of Behavior
Interventions and Strategies to Improve Behavior
Strategies to Decrease Inappropriate Behavior
Chapter 6: Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design in Physical Education
Differentiated Instruction
Process of Adapting Activities
Types of Adaptation
Chapter 7: Support Personnel
Peer Tutors
Senior Citizens
College Students
Chapter 8: Transition Planning
Dr. Amaury Samalot-Rivera
Transition Services and the IEP
Functional Approach in Transition Planning
Transition Activities for Effective Social Inclusion
Assessment in Transition
Part II: Strategies for Inclusion
Chapter 9: Basic Skills
Body Awareness
Hula Hoops
Jump Rope
Locomotor Skills
Object Control Skills
Cooperative Games
Parachute Activities
Rhythmic Skills
Scooter Board Activities
Chapter 10: Sport Skills
Flag Football
Track and Field
Chapter 11: Recreation and Leisure Skills
Backpacking and Hiking
Rock Climbing
Skating and In-Line Skating
Line Dancing
Martial Arts
Chapter 12: Health and Fitness
Weight Training
Cross-Country Skiing
Fitness Activities
Appendix A: Disabilities in Kid Terms
Appendix B: Special Education Terminology
Appendix C: Brockport Aquatic Skills Checklist
Functional Approach in Transition Planning
Legislative Mandates: A Historical Perspective
All ancillary materials for this text are FREE to course adopters and available online at