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Sport Nutrition for Coaches PDF

Author: Leslie Bonci

$40.95 CAD

$40.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492574347


Page Count: 272

Access Duration: 10 Years

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As a coach, you want your athletes to perform at their best. To do that, you not only need to teach them how to train properly, but you also need to tell them how to eat and drink properly. You need to have the right information when it comes to nutrition for your athletes. Sport Nutrition for Coaches is the essential tool for coaches and fitness specialists. With this text, you will be able to maximize your athletes’ performance through proper nutrition.

Sport Nutrition for Coaches provides all the information you need in an easy-to-use and practical layout. It outlines athletes’ basic nutrition and hydration needs and describes how to adapt athletes’ nutrition needs to their training schedules. It has tips for working with athletes with special dietary concerns, including vegetarianism, diabetes, and eating disorders. Also, this guide shows you how to develop a Coach’s Notebook and a nutrition plan for your team, which you can share with your athletes to map out a successful season.

Sport Nutrition for Coaches is unlike any other nutrition guide for coaches. Most books are written only for the athletes themselves, but this text is specifically directed at coaches. After reading this book, you will have the knowledge to create proper nutrition plans for your athletes and help them develop healthy eating habits that will contribute to their success in any sport.

Part I Teaching and Evaluating
Chapter 1. Teaching Sport Skills
Chapter 2. Evaluating Technical and Tactical Skills

Part II Teaching Technical Skills
Chapter 3. Foundational Skills
Chapter 4. Strokes and Shots

Part III Teaching Tactical Skills
Chapter 5. Singles and Doubles Tactics
Chapter 6. Offensive Tactical Skills
Chapter 7. Defensive Tactical Skills

Part IV Planning for Teaching
Chapter 8. Season Plans
Chapter 9. Practice Plans

Part V. Match Coaching
Chapter 10. Preparing for Matches
Chapter 11. During and After the Match

Leslie J. Bonci, MPH, RD, CSSD, LDN is the director of sport nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. She is a certified specialist of sport dietetics, and she has been working in the areas of sport nutrition and general nutrition for over 20 years. Bonci works with sport teams and athletes at all levels. Her work at the professional level includes consulting with the Pittsburgh Steelers, Pittsburgh Penguins, Pittsburgh Pirates, and Milwaukee Brewers as well as the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre. She also works with the University of Pittsburgh and University of Texas at Austin athletic departments and with coaches and athletes at 45 high schools. Bonci also works with Olympic athletes as a member of the USOC sport nutrition network.

In addition to working with these organizations, Bonci has been a featured speaker at several conferences, including the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, the American Dietetic Association, and state coaches’ meetings. She is a regular contributor to the Training and Conditioning Journal and has appeared on NBC’s The Today Show.

In her spare time, Bonci enjoys running, weight training, and watching all levels of sporting events. She resides in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with her husband, Frederick, and two sons, both of whom are athletes.