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Sport and Recreation in Canadian History

Author: Carly Adams

$94.95 CAD

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$94.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492569497


Page Count: 440

Serving as a foundation for critical discussion about the importance of the past, Sport and Recreation in Canadian History covers the historical events, people, and moments that shape Canadian sport in the present and future. While this text focuses on sport and recreation practices on these lands now claimed by Canada, it is set within a larger historical context of interconnecting social and cultural practices to speak to the sustained tensions, complexities, and contradictions prevalent in Canadian society.

The editor, Dr. Carly Adams, and her 17 contributing experts from across Canada bring the latest research in all areas of Canadian sport history to life and present a thorough look at the nation’s past events. The text challenges the dominant narratives and encourages students to think critically about Canadian sport history. It examines how gender, ethnicity, race, religion, ability, class, and other systems of oppression and privilege have shaped sport and recreation practices, with Canadian sporting culture reproducing many of the same oppressive systems that exist on the larger scale.

Sport and Recreation in Canadian History separates itself from its competitors by providing an abundance of pedagogical aids. Sidebars highlighting prominent people provide glimpses of figures who made a significant impact on Canadian sport history. Transformative Moment sidebars focus on significant events as they relate to specific themes, such as gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, or ability. A comprehensive timeline showcases where important events fell in relation to one another, while the text acknowledges the problem of presenting history in a linear way and provides a more nuanced discussion of time. Descriptions of primary source documents—such as newspaper articles, photographs, and historical documents—are accompanied by explanations of how sport historians work with these documents.

Sport and Recreation in Canadian History asks readers to think differently about the history of Canadian sport, and it examines how past people, moments, and events continue to shape 21st-century sport.


Undergraduate students studying sport history in physical education, kinesiology, or human kinetics programs across Canada. A reference for academic libraries and sport studies researchers.
Chapter 1. Sport and Recreation Histories Matter
Carly Adams

Chapter 2. Methods and Theory in Historical Research
Sarah Barnes and Mary Louise Adams

Chapter 3. Indigenous Peoples’ Cultures and Physical Activities
Braden Te Hiwi

Chapter 4. Case Studies of Indigenous Sport
Janice Forsyth

Chapter 5. Colonial Encounters, Conservation, and Sport Hunting in Banff National Park
Courtney W. Mason

Chapter 6. The Impact of Industrialization on Sport, Recreation, and the Environment
Robert Kossuth and Dave McMurray

Chapter 7. Ideological Struggles and the Emergence of Cricket, Lacrosse, and Baseball
Craig Greenham

Chapter 8. The Development and Organization of Professional Sport
Robert Kossuth

Chapter 9. Hockey, Identity, and Nationhood
Carly Adams, Russell Field, and Michel Vigneault

Chapter 10. Rereading Histories of Inclusive Recreation, Physical Education, and Sport
Danielle Peers and Lisa Tink

Chapter 11. Black Canadian Sporting Histories in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Ornella Nzindukiyimana and Kevin B. Wamsley

Chapter 12. The Sports–Media Complex and Canadian Culture
Stacy Lorenz and Jay Scherer

Chapter 13. The Assertion of Canada’s Colonial Self in National and International Sport
Christine M. O'Bonsawin

Chapter 14. At Home and Abroad: Canada’s Engagement With International Sport and Recreation
Russell Field

Chapter 15. Reflection on the Field: Sports Histories, Timelines, and De-Centring Settler Colonial Perspectives
Braden Te Hiwi and Carly Adams
Carly Adams, PhD, is a professor in the department of kinesiology and physical education and Board of Governors Research Chair (tier II) at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada. She teaches courses on sport history, gender, the modern Olympic movement, and oral history. Her research explores sport, recreation, and leisure experiences from the intersections of historical and sociological inquiry, with a focus on gender and community. In collaboration with Dr. Darren Aoki, she is currently working on the Nikkei Memory Capture Project, a community-based oral history project collecting Japanese Canadian histories in southern Alberta. Her work has appeared in, among others, Journal of Sport History, Journal of Canadian Studies, The International Journal of the History of Sport, and International Review for the Sociology of Sport. She is the author of Queens of the Ice (published by Lorimer). Dr. Adams is the editor of Sport History Review.

Sport and Recreation in Canadian History sets a new direction for Canadian sport history. Its third-generation contributors challenge earlier categories and trajectories, and they account much more sensitively and comprehensively for the racially and culturally diverse society that Canada has been. They prepare us for the post–Truth and Reconciliation Canada that we urgently need to understand. It’s both illuminating and timely.”
—Dr. Bruce Kidd, Professor at the University of Toronto

“The best sport and recreation histories educate us about the past while challenging us to recognize patterned inequities in opportunities for meaningful physical activities as part of broader societal patterns of colonization, privilege and discrimination. This collaborative textbook, Sport and Recreation in Canadian History, written by leading Canadian sport historians, does that, thereby broadening the ways students can know Canadian sport and recreation but also themselves.”
—Dr. Vicky Paraschak, Professor at the University of Windsor

All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors through HKPropel.

Test package. Contains a bank of over 400 questions in true-false, fill-in-the-blank, essay and short answer, and multiple-choice format. The files may be downloaded for integration with a learning management system or printed for use as paper-based tests. Instructors may also create their own customized quizzes or tests from the test bank questions to assign to students directly through HKPropel. Those assessments are automatically graded, and instructors can review student scores in the platform.

Chapter quizzes. Contains ready-made quizzes (10 questions each) to assess student comprehension of the most important concepts in each chapter. Each quiz may be downloaded or assigned to students directly through HKPropel. The chapter assessments are automatically graded, and instructors can review student scores in the platform.

Presentation package. Features more than 300 PowerPoint slides of text, artwork, and tables from the book that can be used for class discussion and presentation. It also includes links to all of the instructor videos. The slides in the presentation package can be used directly within PowerPoint or printed to make handouts for students. Instructors can easily add, modify, and rearrange the order of the slides.

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